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Status Updates posted by napoleon

  1. welcome to erogegames.com wickedsilver. we've got some great uploads recently whether you're into hardcore or not so hardcore. feel free to add me as a friend or come to the shoutbox and say hello.

  2. Hola Wladi142, I ain't seen you around here before! Why doncha come by the shoutbox and say hello?

  3. Hello Yahomiej! It's ya homie napo, why don't ya come by the shoutbox sometime and say hello?

  4. Hola amigo! Long time no see , eh? Feel free to say hello in the shoutbox and shoot the breeze if you are so inclined.

  5. I see you! Come by the shoutbox and say "hey" sometime, ya?

  6. Hola amigo, come by the shoutbox and introduce yourself some time ya? or don't, no pressure ya know?

  7. Hola WatWatWatt, come by and say hi in the shoutbox when ya get a chance and talk about ya favorite VNs and eroge!

  8. Hola! I don't think I've met ya before! I'm Napo and my favorite type of VN are murder mysteries! Pleased to meet ya, won't ya swing by the shoutbox sometimes ya?

  9. Welcome to erogegames.com Tig, if ya got any questions lemme know. We're getting uploads fairly regularly (praise be!) so stop by the shoutbox sometime to introduce yourself and let us know which you're reading.

  10. Welcome to erogegames.com Lunnam! Why don'cha stop by the shoutbox sometime and introduce yaself, ya don't even have to read eroge to have somethin' to talk about!

  11. Welcome to Erogegames.com Netorareking, but do not believe for a second you can claim such a name with facing a challenge? What is your favorite netorare!

  12. Hola redapocalypse, i hope you've had a great cinco de mayo and welcome to erogegames.com! I'm reading Funbag fantasy right now, how about ya?

  13. Today is your birthday if erogegames.com notifications are to be trusted. May god bless you and keep you and may you be happy until the ends of your days and forever after.

  14. it is your birthday. a happy birthday to you, the birthday man because it is your birthday. Here's hopin' to that you get blorked outta ya gourd!

  15. Happy 2-0 Wiresect, I haven't met you before but that doesn't impact my desire to wish you a happy birthday! Eat some cake, drink some alcohol and reflect on the past 20 years! Congratulations and Happy Birthday!!!

  16. Happy Birthday to you Evenlaist. May this day be especially happy and each day forever after!

  17. Hola Thebrokencontroller and welcome to erogegames.com! If ya got any questions feel free to PM me and i'll do the best i can to answer 'em. We've got a thread for just about everything and if we don't go ahead and make one! Why don'cha come by the shoutbox sometime and introduce yaself ya?

  18. Hola amigo! A belated welcome to erogegames.com! We've got a thread for introductions and a shoutbox where you can just stream your consciousness, whatever floats ya boat! If ya got any questiosn lemme know and I'll do my best to answer 'em 'kay?

  19. Hello! I have't seen you around in the shoutbox or the forums but I'm Napo! My favorite typea games are hardcore nukiges and murder mysteries! Swing by the shoutbox sometime and say a word or two eh? Adios!

  20. Hola Rain Spectre! You may have seen me around before (as I am a nuisance) so I'm leaving this message to formally greet ya! I'm Napo and my favorite genres are nukige and murder mysteries! I also watch a bit of anime althought they are mostly comedies and the like! Send me a PM if ya ever wanna chat 'bout anything, 'kay?

  21. Hello quintent44, I'm Napo and i'd like to invite you to introduce yourself in the shoutbox when ya get chance. If ya got any questions please lemme know!

  22. Welcome to erogegames.com, you're here forever and ever. Please, don't hesitate to ask me any questions!!1!

  23. Welcome to erogegames.com battlekat. I'm napoleon and if you have any questions feel free to ask me. While you're here why doncha introduce yaself? We have a thread for introductions as well as a shoutbox. Adios!

  24. Hola arnoldgew and welcome to erogegames.com! We have an introductions thread and a shoutbox if ya feel like puttin yourself out there. If ya got any questions just lemme know and I'll try my best to help ya along. Adios!

  25. Welcome to erogegames.com S1204x, it's a relatively laid back site where you can discuss eroge and VNs while downloading or waiting for uploads. If ya got any questions just ask!

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