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About boukyaku

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  1. I just got done reading through the profiles of the 「新規参戦武将」, it's definitely another alternate version, similar to koihime and shin koihime and not a direct sequel to anything. The profiles definitely caught my attention. This looks more interesting than shin koihime. Going to add it to the list and start it once it's released. koihime in HD, 美味しそう ^_^.
  2. You mean this? 恋姫†英雄譚 Seems that site opened on 04/04/14. It's most likely just another alternate version as I can't find anything written about the story except 「新しい乙女武将たちが参戦し、どのような物語が紡がれていくのか。。。。」if you click on 「恋姫†英雄譚とは?」on top. Hmm... koihime in HD... Once you go HD in VNs, you can't go back -_-.
  3. Finished reading The World God Only Knows. It was good.
  4. I don't remember this scene in Ren's route so it's probably PS2/PSP. There is a scene where they kiss, but it's in a different, erm, position.
  5. I remember the TL for koihime being quite "rough" (I thought it was horrid), so if that passed their standards then I don't think you guys have much to worry about... Unless they increased their standards . The many dialects (including the created ones, and the cat language) will probably be the hardest to TL and stay true to the original text. It doesn't help that every polite form imaginable is mixed into the bunch, 尊敬語/絶対敬語/相対敬語/二重敬語... And then you have all the ones from 謙譲語 and 丁寧語. It's easy to understand when merely reading the text as the forms establish the speaker's position relat
  6. Just don't post anything too rash of 袁術(美羽) and you should be good to go. Speaking of 袁術, how do you guys plan on dealing with her? Planning on describing her as the 18 year old midget? XD /sarcasm Usually having multiple TLers in one game makes things quite messy but in this is case there shouldn't be any problems because the protag has a different personality (different character development except at start) in each faction.
  7. Yes, it felt like each faction was as long as koihime musou (assuming you read through each heroine of said faction). I'll say it again, the SKM team has a long road ahead of them. BTW retro, if possible, I would try to convince baseson to place the extra content from the PS2/PSP version to the PC version. That content is a real treat.
  8. Good luck, you guys have a long road ahead of you especially with all the different dialects mixed in. 霞 and 真桜 in particular gave me small headaches but they sounded so cute ^_^.
  9. I finished reading the ML series around this time last year. To celebrate that, I'm going through it again but RAW this time. It's fun.
  10. Currently reading "The World God Only Knows". Every few pages makes me laugh and I hope this pace continues. Was expecting something from "Girls of the Wild's" but it ended up being pretty disappointing though there are funny parts. It's dragging things out way too slowly. Also reading "Freezing" and just finished 156. It feels like everything is being dragged out slowly too which is annoying.
  11. http://s.vndb.org/cv/95/4195.jpg Maji de Watashi ni Koishinasai! O....K.... I ended up dropping this VN after almost finishing Miyako Route. The VN was just too long for me and I was getting tired of it.
  12. Ahh, right, in that case, it's the whole package altogether. I found the backstory, setting, characters, overall style, and especially the world of the game unique which is why I enjoyed it. I treated a loss as no different than a loss from games like Resident Evil, so avoiding getting raped to death was a nice and tense experience for me. Things really kick off in 中章 as you get to go through more intense fights and the story improves but if you found nothing interesting in 前章 I doubt you will find anything in 中章. Many people love MGQ, many people hate it, but the numbers speak for thems
  13. Best to try it out yourself for 3-4 hours to form your own opinion. It would be a mistake to avoid MGQ based off the opinion of others.
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