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Posts posted by Chocolatemilkgod

  1. Its getting there!


    i know it was mentioned in the last translation thread but (i was m.i.a for a week and a half) im definitely interested in The Human Reignition Project!


    suprised no ones mentioned that a Angel Beats visual novel is coming 2014 and before you say anything Gerard maybe our god will translate it? =p


    It was mentioned in the sb but (for some reason) I don't think anyone posted it...At any rate, who translates it is the big question. I have no doubt in my mind that due to KEY's enormous following someone will pick it up pretty quickly after its release, but who?


    Doki (who seem to be doing a lot of key stuff now days)? Ixrec (who already had a schedule and is also getting a job so will be much busier...)? No idea. We could have another air situation where you have multiple translation projects for all I know (I hope not but...)

  2. ^ Higurashi was better paced for me. Umineko starts out pretty slow, in my opinion. Couple that with the fact that I just didn't like the first episode and the premise wasn't as interesting led me to not really like it much at first... Part way through the second episode it picked up, though, and by the third episode it felt like I was reading ryukushi again (before, to me, it just lacked the same sense of mystery I got in higurashi...well at least that's not the case now ^^ )


    I'm on episode 5 now.

  3. Oh yes. The Rome 2 debacle. One way to make me lament.


    Anyway, to be entirely honest I'm not terribly concerned about persona. SEGA knows they've got their hands on a huge flagship developer for games and I highly doubt, unless they are as thick as two short planks, that they'll just throw that away. What's likely to happen is for atlus to remain relatively independent (as it did within Index) as a developing house while SEGA stays as a publisher. In fact RTW2 should, if anything, be a wake-up call for them NOT to interfere.

  4. Ok well Im new to the VN world and really glad I found these books/games My name Is Jeff Im 35 from Illinois USA, right now Im playing Sekien no Inganock and really like the story alot. I found this site by mistake ( yay lol ) I am a painter / full time Dad . Anyways Eroge or whatever its called not a big thing here in the state's sadly so Im really glad I found this site . I would have to say some of the ones I have played that I like the most Are: Swan Song, Sengoku Rance, Sekien no Inganock and a few more i cant recall the names of :p Im really new to this scene so Any advice on any English translated t.v series or VN's Is welcome, I dont really care if theres alot of H stuff in them or not as long as they got good story's, dont really know where to start looking for good manga so point me in the way lol . Nice to meet ya all And thanks For the great site :)


    Yeah tsun recommended some good ones, especially the Muv Luv Series. The final game in the muv luv trilogy is probably my favourite visual novel (ironically, I was pretty apathetic towards the previous two games, but once you get to the final game, as tsun said, you'll know why it was worth waiting ;) ) .


    As for other good suggestions not already made, I'd recommend Higurashi no Naku Kori Ni; for more information, you could check this thread out. There's also a pre packed version of the game you can find on that thread so downloading is pretty simple. You could also try either Little Busters or Rewrite, both developed by KEY (who also made Clannad as suggested by tsun). Their visual novels are interesting in the sense that they're often pretty laid back and low-key (ha, see what I did there?) at first until later when the story really starts to unfold; Little busters is a personal favourite of mine in that respect. There's also plenty of others, but those are a pretty good start.


    Also, it's pretty common knowledge around here (or at least it should be) that Legend of the Galactic Heroes is an amazing anime and everyone who's anyone should watch it, sooo~~...watch it! :D


    Oh, and welcome to the forums!

  5. Soo after playing 50+ hours Kamidori...I`ll need something diffrent...So I`m finally starting up Fate Stay night...hope it lives up to my expectations ..o.O


    Wow, congrats for surviving more than 50 hours of kamidori straight. I always read it as an off-visual novel to accompany something else, or I'd had been waaaay too burnt out to continue playing it (I still never actually finished it completely, but that's beside the point :p ). At any rate, hope you enjoy fate/stay! It wasn't my favourite, by far, but there are plenty of really great scenes in there, and once things fall into place it's a very fun read. Definitely on the 'epic' side, though, so be prepared for a long read.

  6. Hamfists Higurashi.


    Enjoy ^^.


    As for me, starting umineko. I'm starting to get busy so I don't know how fast I can read it, but oh well. It's also irritating as I couldn't get it to work on my newer computer since the english patch kept crashing ever thirty seconds, so I'll have to make due on my other laptop (which isn't that big of a deal, but it has a stupid screen resolution that irritates me).

  7. Just finished Higurashi. I'll do a longer post eventually with more detail about it, but overall really great. Definitely one of my favourites (probably my second?). It's not perfect as there were some little issues that I had with it on a micro scale, at least, and a few of the scenes felt a little long, but for the most part a really enjoyable story. I knew I would like it, but I didn't expect to like it this much, and I'd definitely recommend it to other people (with the caveat that it's fairly intense, so be prepared).

  8. From here:

    "[referring to the cross channel retranslation] All files locked, patch itself done and seems to work fine. Went from Amaterasu install -> full patch, all seems to work. I should probably test it on another computer or so, though.


    Full speed on the main project at long last. 94k words and it’s not close to done."


    Question: What the hell is his main project? I've been trying to find some indication on his blog, but...I'm pretty confused.

  9. So harlequin's pack is all i need to download? no patches and this-part-first-then-that stuff right?

    I don't have any problem if is just some parts and a patch since i'll just let jdownloader do all the work while i play tales


    No worries. Literally all you do is get Harle's six files, extract, read the readme and you're done. They're all pre-patched and ready to go! And considering the file service used, it should only take anywhere from 10-20 minutes to download them.

  10. Yeah, it's not complicated at all. Just download the different parts, extract using winrar, and...you're done, actually. Well, you might have to drop something into your Windows/Font Folder, but that's it. The game is already patched to run and everything, no need even mount a .iso or anything. Trust me: try higurashi, you won't regret it. To play, just run one of the .exe files in the correct folder. Start with arcs 1-4, then 5 etc.; 8 is the last. I'm actually reading Higurashi at the moment (using this pack, I think) and having a blast!


    To describe it: A mystery murder horror mashup that gives a little bit of information to you at a time and makes you think. Even though I watched the anime, reading the VN is still a huge amount of fun (hindsight is 20/20). It's a little bit on the intense side, but if you've read Muv Luv Alternative, you should be more than prepared to tackle it.


    On a slightly different note, Umineko is related to higurashi, but I am told that umineko spoils a lot of what happens, so definitely read higurashi first.

  11. Finally finished Grisaia. It was definitely a great game, although it has some issues. I'll talk about it more in my review that I promised Gerard I'd do at some point, but my route order goes:


    Amane > Makina > Michiru > Sachi >>> Yumiko


    ...Yeah, yumiko's had a lot of potential but just fell short, which was a pity (I love kuuderes so not seeing her route be all that good was sad...especially because she was actually better in all the other routes (particularly Makina's, I thought)). At any rate, if I were to assign some random arbitrary number to the game, I'd probably go somewhere in the region of about 8 since there was some really great stuff despite there being some problems.

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