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About healing

  • Rank
    Junior Member
  • Birthday 09/19/1986
  1. Ye ded? Leik ded? Hey! Still stalking desi? Well, see you around if you ever come back.

  2. I fucking miss you please come back

  3. Cruel come back to the SB we miss you there

  4. Thank you Healing. Hope to see you at AX <3

  5. Happy day of birthing

  6. healing

    Summer Days

    bah seems it posted it twice and i dont know how to delete the second one as random spam and at ultimecea yes her lol i know tis a bit odd but she is far better then the other main characters in school days..... as in not crazy murderer plus she has this tsun attitude about her that i love.... dont judge me!!! That will be all lol.
  7. healing

    Summer Days

    i love the days series it cant be helped lol plus i have a text hooker i plan on using to make it somewhat English but that takes time so it is a great way to pass time while i play g-senjou. Just want it to work, this is setsuna's story and i love her ever so much.
  8. healing

    Summer Days

    Well as you know i am a days series fan and while i am playing another vn at the moment i would like to get this one downloaded working and then use the text hooker i have to translate it (which works 80% of the time). I love setsuna and this is suppose to be all about her so it cant be helped lol.
  9. healing

    Summer Days

    Not sure what i did wrong but i downloaded this completly, extracted, locale set in japanese, all the basic's set game works but no sounds at all.... so not sure what i did wrong but some help please!!! and thank you
  10. Recently i have been doing lots of studying on possible programs to translate VN's that we all want to see in English and although there are several i have narrowed down my search to two programs ITH and AGTH which are both basically the same as in they text hookers. They take the scrolling scripts and translates them in real time thus giving you a semi accurate translation i say semi accurate because there are minor glitches and things in which you need to do to make it work properly. Personally i have been using AGTH and have found it works rather well actually to make sure it was right i
  11. School days hq first one as well and i know most dont think of it as a real VN because of the animation, but it is my first and got me more then addicted to the genre thus love it and cant get enough of it. Just wish there was more like it. Just started shuffle! which looks promising thus far.
  12. School days hq and it was amazing. This was my first VN and it has made me an addict i have played about 30 plus hours on it already and am still not tired of it so i highly recommend it. I hate to fight the tears off at many point while playing. Sadly though i hear this is the only fully animated VN that has been translated to english so a bit of a disappointment there lol. I hope my next experience is as mind blowing.
  13. Thank you i will for sure be checking out the suggested anime and i have been slowly learning Japanese so in do time lol. On a side not oreimo was what got me addicted to this genre watched the anime though hmmm and after my first one i have been playing them none stop sure i am just a noob compared to most but it is an amazing experience to say the least. Thanks for the help.
  14. So i am on my 5th play through of school days hq and can say i am addicted to it 100%. But i was wondering if there was any other eroge that is fully animated like this one if so i would love to hear some suggestions other wise, any suggestion would be nice, since i am sucked into the genre now lol. Any thing would be much appreciated and thanks in advance!!!
  15. I have been playing school days hq and i can honestly say i am 100% addicted to this game type and play style. Not sure if there are many more fully animated games like this one because i am pretty new to this genre but i can say this game is worth the time and effort put in.
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