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10 Good

About Gulnarr

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    Junior Member
  1. I played the teacher route and the childhood friend route. They were ok. Not great, but I wasn't going in expecting great. One thing I really disliked is that when you lock into a route, all of the other characters seem to just disappear into the ether (other than Karen for obvious reasons). It's a decent way to kill some time though; I've definitely played through worse VNs.
  2. So how bout that crappy 100% F/HA patch and the subsequent death of the project?
  3. I completely agree. I didn't even like Hoshizora very much. But things like CGs, BGMs, comedy, enjoyable characters, etc don't necessarily mean the story is good. The Majikoi series' story is shallow in most cases and borderline nonexistent in others (looking at you, Margit). That's ok though, because Majikoi isn't really about the story. I do think Majikoi is by far the better game, but my point is that the story isn't so great that you can harshly insult Hoshizora's in one sentence and then praise Majikoi's in the next.
  4. Does anyone else find it odd that Moenovel's facebook page has gotten 15,000 likes in the past 10 days or so? They had very few before that point.
  5. Come on now, I LOVE me some Majikoi but don't act as if it's miles above something like Hoshizora in the story department, because it isn't.
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