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Posts posted by nicetomeet

  1. "Spring 2023 at the earliest" was about the last timeline update they gave I think? I remember reading a reddit posts back then that said they have some issues in programming, but as it turn out it was more about TLC/QC stuffs because the main guy wanted to verify things himself but got busy IRL or something like that, dunno if that's still a case now.


    Aiyoku's vndb discussion page had someone (at least claim to be) from QC team hype things up a little bit, but it was back in January.


    From the look of it, it seems they locked the thread and not deleting it? Maybe you can try contact fuwanovel's admin to request for access.

    • Thanks 1
  2. anyone got these problems when playing Clover Days where the game just keeps skipping dialogues and can't be stopped (you can't even do anything to stop it other than force close the game), and you can't even change the settings other than the sound settings? I tried to re-download the game from different source but the problem persist for some reason.

  3. Kanji is 'onore', so you're off. 'Onore' means 'you'(as in refering to some other person), so 'she puts you on top of her' sounds... uhh... perfectly reasonable? 'Onore' is either an old formal you, or an current impolite form. In my translation I put it as her because it connected better with the next picture.


    The person doing the action is left off (as is usual in Japanese sentences) in the second picture so one must guess that person using context, and using the only context I have (the first picture) I guessed that it is not the speaker doing the actions. Although the actual translation could change based off context that I am missing.


    Ah you're right, my bad, seems like I mistake 己 (oneself) as 已 (stop, halt) , their differences almost unnoticeable to me... so yeah, the first sentence meant, someone (in this case '私') on top of the other one.

  4. Can someone help me translate these 2 lines that were left untranslated?




    based on my understanding,

    私はそっと已を重ねた = I gently put (my hand) on top of her

    彼女の手を握り、見詰める彼女へ = (Then) I grip that hand of her, (as I) staring into her


    something like that, I'm quite confused about 已 part, but the context should be about I (私) gently put something (possibly a hand?) on top of her

  5. Strike the Blood is teaser in Baka-Tsuki site, and was dropped since Yen Press licensing it

    so it might be quite hard to find another TLed version or pdf files because not every LNs in Baka-Tsuki have their pdfs

    I has link to raw files if you want it (though for now only up to vol 10), or another option... wait 'till Yen Press abandoned it for years so Baka-Tsuki folks will resume it again... like Hidan no Aria case

  6. ..... the Fortune Arterial translator recently removed all information from his project's contact page, indicating that they won't work on that anymore.


    I'm a database mod at vndb and ended up deleting probably over 20 dead translation projects last month. That was pretty heartbreaking.

    so they still work on it just until recently? I actually thought it was dropped ages ago...

  7. well, yeah.. though I don't know if that number true or not... that's what I get from the sources I know.. let's just consider it as joke for now..


    I'm not particularly worried too, they plan to take down many (maybe too many) websites there, so I doubt it will went well, though they main focus are that 580 titles... let just get along with it for now and good luck for them

    that aside, they said that Japanesse Government has bought NT too.

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