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Everything posted by Tearshi

  1. Loco me ayudas?


    Tengo un problemita con fate/staynight y como vi que sos arg, perfecto para mi


    http://puu.sh/9KB9f/2612e43fed.jpg ¿Como arreglo esto? llevo media hora boludeando y nada

  2. Sigh About Maji S/Maji A i talked to pun, he said that it's dead yes and he won't do it, maybe in a future but now he won't so what moogy said it's kind of true, and the first majikoi it's obvious that it's dead unless the other guy doing it in secret
  3. That's... strange, are you sure you still have none? because i deleted all those (every one, every one including old ones of the 2 days ago update) and it works really good
  4. Yea, delete all the update including microsoft security stuff i did and now it works great thanks to you and desi
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