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Everything posted by Yachi

  1. and you sir, know how to get a mans vote
  2. Why is it so big -_-




  4. ^ 10 because it looks like a mech battle penguin from far away >.>
  5. Im not sure why that posted twice im sorry >.>

  6. Your name has Opai in it, your pic needs to be of a topless chick DO IT NOW


    (sorry if im a little aggressive thats just me playing around)


    P.S is that how you spell Opai?

  7. Your name has Opai in it, your pic needs to be of a topless chick DO IT NOW


    (sorry if im a little aggressive thats just me playing around)

  8. Im a lolicon and I voted for Irisviel...am I special?



  10. cael that is not funny! You need to appologize!
  11. Hanako is in the lead... I should have seen this coming...
  12. Yachi

    A forum RPG

    The reason nothing much has happened yet is because its kind of hard to get everyone on at the same time for discussions, and I understand we cant just have discussions but you know what I mean. But we have discussed things in the chatango and we have a cool thing for writing the plot now.
  13. I had never actually played any card games before this, I had only watched my friends play Magic at school. But yea, it was really easy IMO ^-^



  15. Yachi

    Online games

    Im going to fucking call you Azunyan AND THERES NOTHING YOU CAN DO TO STOP ME FUCKER P.S Pogo has some good shit
  16. omg thank you, someone who actually has some sense when it comes to Clannad's heroines xD
  17. Her name was KOTOMI GET IT RIGHT FAGGOT...*coughs*...anwyay, I dont see why everyone likes Tomoyo so much...I wasnt really interested in her :/
  18. ^ 8/10 because blue hair looks cool?
  19. Yachi

    A forum RPG

    We have discussed this already and you are now Avengers minion Call me boss and you can do whatever you want >.>
  20. Yachi

    A forum RPG

    UPUDATO! (that was engrish btw) I was wondering who is actually willing to give ALLOT of time to help with this and who is just contributing so that I may count the people who are in it for good as actual staff members. Im trying to get a list of staff members because we dont want like 40 people in this ya know? Anyway just state weather or not your going to be either a contributor or are willing to be a staff member! (being a staff member requires that you actually attempt to help with this allot, not every day but allot of the time)
  21. I enjoyed Clannad, I just liked her sister better
  22. Guess ill vote for Haqua since the only other one I know is the girl from Clannad...
  23. Would this be H or non-H? hehehehe
  24. Yachi

    Online games

    Me and Seven play shit on that site from time to time, it has some cool games on it
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