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Everything posted by Sgrumbledore

  1. I got another problem with school days HQ, ni'm not able to save. 1) i click the save button 2) i choose where to save 2a) i name the save. i click the save button to confirm but then the game crashes. Has this happened to anyone else?
  2. the guide says left o right choiche , but the options are : -Answer 1 -Answer 2 what's the left or right one?
  3. After i unpack the game and click on setup.exe, the installation screen appears with this error: . Then i start the game again from setup without an error, then after i clicked install and the progression screen is progredding this error appear:
  4. i downloaded it form the torret twice, but every time after i unpacked this happens: 1) click on 1st disc setup "stranger erro, something failed cannot install" 2) if i reclick on the setup the game will start installing but at a certain point it stops. Any idea?
  5. Does it work with applocale?
  6. Sgrumbledore

    Kawakaburi No Cherry

    Does it work with applocale?
  7. I've also got a problem with schooldays HQ. i downloaded the torrent version, exctracted the files but when i click on install the following error appear: you cant' install for xxxx reason files xxx not valid. Also when i reclicked seup it started normally wtf.
  8. Thanks. could you explain why i should set my locale to japanese to play an english game?
  9. I've downloaded Deardrops twicw( once with torrent/once with jdownloader from mediafire). The proble is that after i exctract the game and start playing i see a gibberis like: hf00o instead of the normal text. Has someone else experienced this problem? has someone solved it?
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