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Posts posted by Fluffy

  1. Rules:

    Only 1 word per post

    You can do more than one, but not in a row

    The story has to make sense. If the story so far is "Then He decided", Don't put a random word like Banana after :3




    And yes, if you don't post anything in this forum game, i'll eat your lungs... :)

    Have fun!

  2. Since your all talking about that football stuff thingy in the shoutbox, i decided to make a thread about it.


    If you think this is stupid, tell Ivan to delete the thread....


    And Switch, make sure you're the first to post so this thread gets a wonderful start


    And no i'm not high

  3. Forget that name generator, I'm gonna use my own name!


    My true name is Aksel


    And that name means father of peace


    And father of peace is:


    父親平和 = Chichioya Heiwa


    Chichi \o/

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