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Posts posted by Fluffy

  1. Please don't hate me for doing this!



    meow the cats brown, and if the cats meow the cats, then meow be the brown of the cats

    meow. This is fortold unto the cats yore, that will never come to past unless the cats return to

    the mountain. Far over, the misty mountains cats, to dungeon cats, and caverns meow.

    We must a meow, ere break of brown, to find our long, forgotten meow. The cats were meowing, on

    the height. The browns were meowing in the night. The cats were meow, in meowing brown.

    the cats like brown meows blazed with meows.


    I am also a cat. This will be the most amazing cat drama ever to see the light of day. 17 of the

    finest cats from kingdoms unknown will attend and rave about endless amounts of sardines. If

    any cat apposes, let it be known that the council of kitty cats shall raze them to the ground!

    Seven cats from seven kingdoms will descend upon the five kingdoms of middle meow to give

    council and eat plenty of fish in the journey. And from this day fourth, let all the enemies of

    middle meow hear of the heroic deeds of meowicus the meow, highest brown of the cat order!


    The End!

  2. Switch STOP! Don't use my name on immature situations you scumbag!



    Have you really thought about what marriage is and what it means?


    Well, i will tell you the dark secret of marriage, it's dark meaning. This knowledge they do not want you to know.


    Once you read this there is no going back, you will forever know the truth.


    Marriage is an ancient perversion where you make someone your sibling so you can have socially acceptable sibling incest which is what the people who invented marriage really wanted. Otherwise terms of family would be different.


    Think about it. When you marry someone you legally become their brother or their sister. Why else would your marriage partner's sister becomes you sister in law and her/his brother become your brother in law and her/his mother and father become your mother and father in law unless you were becoming siblings?


    And why in marriage would they make you siblings unless they really desired us to want and need to commit incest for some reason. An ancient conspiracy.


    Normally sibling incest whether related by blood or not is unacceptable in many societies and cultures, and so is marrying your brother or sister. However having sex with your marriage partner is considered acceptable.


    Marriage is sibling incest that is deemed acceptable by society. It is wrong though, for they are now your sister or brother.


    Now you know the truth. Be careful how you reveal the secret. You never know what they might do.


    Guard yourselves and stay safe...


    You again?

  3. Game 24: Child of Light




    The kingdom of Lemuria is in despair. The Black Queen has stolen the Sun, the Moon and the Stars.

    You play as Aurora, a young princess with a pure heart whose soul is brought to the kingdom of Lemuria.

    Embark on a quest to recapture the three sources of light, defeat the Black Queen and restore the kingdom of Lemuria.




    - Created by the talented team of Ubisoft Montréal using the UbiArt Framework, Child of Light is an RPG inspired by fairy tales.

    - Take an extraordinary journey through the vast world of Lemuria and explore its mythical environments, interact with its inhabitants as you discover new locations and their secrets.

    - The breathing world of Lemuria

    - Across your experience through Lemuria you will meet encounters that you will remember, from friendly fairies and gnomes to vile wolves and dark dragons.

    - Fight monsters and evil mythical creatures

    - Aurora has the power to fight creatures from the dark and to restore the Stolen Lights. Fight alongside the Igniculus in Active Time Battle Systems.

    - Your firefly ally can be controlled by another player, so you can live this adventure with your friends.


    Torrent link: Child of Light-RELOADED (download torrent) - TPB


    Direct Download:


    Part 1: Watch chofli ddgamez com part1 rar


    Part 2: Watch chofli ddgamez com part2 rar


    Part 3: Watch chofli ddgamez com part3 rar




    I have to try this game on ps4 at some point, i have to!

  4. bring loppez back,he has an appointment with my landlord :rolleyes:


    also : switch for mod. vote for switchy in the upcoming election to receive onnaholes prior to every download,making fapping easier.(shipping not included)





    Please bann Switch.




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