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Posts posted by HYBRID BEING

  1. The reason was because we already have Cross Channel translated by Ixrec (Translation issue aside), and therefore people could less care for Pulltop's version ie they didn't need to react badly like back at both of Konosora and Miagete release.

    Well, as i mentioned earlier, Moenovel's release is based on ~For All People~ version, which has more scenes over the previous patches, so i don't think it's totally redundant.

  2. Considering that we deal with Pulltop here, it make sense if they decided to just port console version instead of Final Complete version, because the former did guaranteed cut the H scenes and the latter still have the H scenes. They really need to learn of how to market VN with sex content, but at least this release good enough if only because it was redundant lol.
    Yeah, publishers seem to prefer porting console versions instead of cutting adult content from PC versions (one of the reasons is to avoid "cut content" stigma, i bet). Did you mean "wasn't redundant", though?


    BTW, someone on Steam dug through the files and found graphics from Ensemble's Ojou-sama wa Sunao ni Narenai.

  3. CROSS†CHANNEL: Steam Edition is out, btw. Turns out it's based on ~For All People~ version after all (there was a typo on vndb release page and i haven't noticed the info on Steam page), so it's should have some new content not yet featured in existing patch. Too bad it's not a -Final Complete- version (which supposedly features "new scenes that tell the story from the heroines' point of view"), haha.
  4. hmmm, I have If My Heart Had Wings in my library and I've been meaning to get to it but there's another release coming out? Good grief! I can't imagine it being any better than the version that was delivered onto Steam but does anybody have the specifics?

    Um, that's the restoration fan-patch that was in the works since IMHHW was released and it's out. If it isn't better than Moenovel's job, that would be a pretty damn big waste of time.

  5. I remember heard about a Harem Eroge being released as all-ages and then a fan-group restored the h-content (I don't remember the name now), but I guess this one wasn't moenovel.

    then KonoSora it's the first , now It's seems Cross Channel is the next victim of moenovel.

    Wild Romance? Yeah, that was Zoo Corporation (Norn/Miel). Dunno about translation quality, but content-wise Cherry Kiss Games saved the day.

    As for CROSS†CHANNEL - why the hell did they even choose ~To All People~ version instead of newer ~For All People~ (i'm not even talking about -Final Complete-)? Latest patch seems to be a better choice.

  6. Err... one of those 3 is getting a fanTL already (Loverable). And... it's not like those are real prequels. Many times VNs tagged with just "same setting" don't require you to have read the previous VN in the installment (unlike with VNs that follow chronological order). The fact that all of them are moege further reinforces my opinion that you don't need to read "their prequels" to enjoy them.

    I know, it's only a few reference jokes at most. Don't mind me, i'm just one of those people who are particular about the order >_

    Also, yeah, doesn't concern Fureraba (not sure why i've linked it).

  7. ...they’re promising a transparent approach to their business and a commitment to no crowdfunding. They also wish to do physical releases whenever possible.

    > Take Sekai's fuck-ups

    > Say you'll do the opposite

    > ???

    > PROFIT

    Well, jokes aside it's always nice to have more VNs coming. Though, the fact that we are skipping several setting-related VNs(according to VNDB) is killing me.

  8. Err... How much was mentioned on Fuwa then? I mentioned it a couple of times there, maybe I said 7k instead of 7.5k :D The thing is, some 500 lines of H-scene beginning lines can be found in Moenovel version, so it's some 7k lines that's more closer to the estimate of the lines they cut (but I still speak as if 7.5k was cut because I don't know what other possible modifications, if really done, have been implemented by Moenovel hence why you'd still need to see what needs a retranslation xD).


    No, i meant full line count. littleshogun said Miagete has between 100k and 150k lines. He updated his post now, though (perhaps after he saw yours :D).

  9. Yes, they all use the same engine. So you could do it to LoveKami as well.

    Nice, now just to wait for someone to express interest in working on it.

    I checked the script files and the whole VN has almost 46k lines. Moenovel cut 7.5k out of it. Do the math on how much that is in %.

    Ho, that's quite less lines for whole VN (and higher percentage of cut lines) then was mentioned on Fuwa.

  10. So, anyone knows if koestl is still planning to re-translate Chiruchiru spin-off (i heard he planed to, since translation was lacking)? Is English not good in side stories (Leisure, Afterglow, Melody) and Phantom Trigger as well?


    Nice progress overall, extra hyped for Amagami. Hope someone does HaraMin, since Loe has little interest in it.

  11. For me personally the worst thing is that they killed Aroduc one of the best fan translators we had by stealing his script for Baldr Sky. And now not only does it mean that we have to wait a long time for it but everything is implying that it's going to be a censored only version as well.

    And they will never get their shit together because the whole point of that company is to scam everyone out of their money for as long as they can.


    Even if they got their hands on script, is it for sure that they are going to use it in the end?

    And by censored, do you mean mosaics or lack of 18+ version? Cause if latter i can only recall G-Senjou no Maou (and they are going to release Unrated version after all).

  12. We would have all the games a lot faster if it stayed as a fan project...

    Not to say that SP were fast, but it could've gone either way (worst case, koestl could've dropped Grisaia at some point due to work). Also, not exactly related to koestl, but we also received Chiruchiru spin-off, side stories and 4 volumes of Phantom Trigger and all of those were simultaneous English/Japan releases (granted people weren't really happy about Frontwing's own translation).


    Yeah, quality leaves much to be desired most of the time. Still, i could count VNs released on Steam before SP on fingers of both hands (yeah, MG's Go!Go!Nippon! among them). SP were not the only one, but i don't think they had no impact on popularity.


    So ye only thing that Sekai did was steal licenses and deliver a lesser quality product then MG and JAST would have done.

    And this is not going to the extremes, they literately have done a single thing right since the day they turned into a company, even to this day some people still haven't gotten their Kickstarter rewards for Sekais first projects.

    Well, blaming them for "stealing licenses" is a bit of a stretch, although i'm not going to argue about quality. "Stealing license" from JAST has a perk of product not being stalled for years, though.

    I do agree that failing on delivering KS rewards is bad, though.


    So, to summarize, people hate SP for:

    1. Dovac (he's no longer being public, though);
    2. Overusing Kickstarter (never backed a single one of theirs, lol);
    3. Failing on delivering KS rewards in full (not making it better for SP, but haven't seen a single Kickstarter with zero comments about not receiving something, tbh);
    4. UnQCed and delayed releases.

    So, yeah, SP should get their shit together with last two, but i actually expected more than that for the amount of hate they get.

  13. Is there even a reason to like Sekai? Imo Sekai are more or less the equivalent of EA for VN. They don't seem to care about their customers, they release subpar products, they always try to get money in every way they can, spout bullshit all the times etc.

    Now, now, no need to start calling names :D As a Westwood fan, i hate EA with all fibre of my being, but unlike EA SP is not yet guilty of causing developers to shut down, so i don't think it's right consider them on the same level.

    And isn't it them who gave a genre a boost to popularity though? That, and we have an entirety of Grisaia in English, those are reasons enough for me. Am not exalting them, and criticizing them for their shortcomings is definitely necessary, but there is no need to go to extremes.

    I am too old to be jumping on this drama wagon.

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