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Everything posted by JackyMark

  1. can anyone give me this game's OST? love these songs in this game
  2. Orz... Why that much progress, koichoco, koiken otome...
  3. Oh, lots of my fav is having progress, go go go ~
  4. JackyMark

    Lilium x Triangle

    its been a long time since i last played a yuri game ~^_^~
  5. JackyMark

    Amber Breaker

    hohoho, been waiting for this to complete the series
  6. When koiken otome get released T-T, i cant wait for it
  7. Oh, speaking of which, i truly want satsuki route be translated
  8. finally, some progress for Koiken Otome ~^-^~
  9. I can feel u, im still having my high hope for the day the ful translation patch released, hopefully im not gonna crash from such high hope though
  10. JackyMark

    Himegari Dungeon Meister

    how can i download that machine translation? i clicked the download button but the site turns into crappy ad site Himegari Dungeon Meister – Eng Translation Patches | NekoHen | Translations Projects
  11. uhm, Nekopara Vol 2? thats indeed interesting
  12. JackyMark

    Flyable Heart

    for anyone who suffers the no DVD patch, this is the trick, some have mentioned above so ill just repeat it, keep the mount image in order to play it, this gam require u to mount the image at the same time at running the game, which mean keeping the MDF / MDS files -> cost x2 the capacity of the game itself ~ ~'
  13. JackyMark

    Harukoi Otome

    wow, there's a mt.Everest on her face, what a world's record face
  14. i havent seen anything new about koiken otome, have they completely drop the project half-way? Pls tell me otherwise
  15. same art, funny protagonist, big boobs... u must then try Princess Evangile
  16. JackyMark

    ToHeart2 Xrated

    i read that TH 2 has an ending "Only men can bring happiness to each other", so doest this one has that? if yes, then anyone kind enough to put a walkthrough so that i can avoid it instantly pls T-T
  17. JackyMark

    Gadget Trial

    Tks, ill play this game since lots of ppl praise it
  18. Strongly recommend kamidori alchemy meister, this game is good imo, cant believe i spent >50hrs playing it and still playing til now
  19. The H-scene is ok, but since im too lazy to get all ending, so i settled with the loli Sadist queen, tks for the save
  20. If u want to dl non-trans VN, check out anime-sharing site, but i still recommend u to stick with this site cuz it's being checked daily for expired link (yes, anime-sharing has a lot of expired sites) u can say erogegames.com is the best site that u can get eroge and VN *thumb up*
  21. JackyMark

    Imouto Paradise!

    "long sexual scenes" ~^-^~
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