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Everything posted by motoko

  1. Just look in the mirror and give yourself a big facepalm and WTF complete the collection? i was only looking for peoples opinions massive facepalm
  2. i Have played Tomoyo after and finished all routs and a full english patch is out google it;)
  3. ohhhhhhhhh shit sorry just uploaded the whole folder and forgot moved it in by accident *fixed
  4. here are my wallpapers If your thinking why is there so much tomoyo?? we'll i prefer tomoyo more than nagisa, Because nagisa is a boring character and it would have been more interesting if they showed more of tomoya and tomoyo's relationship.
  5. its been a while... because i had to move house and forgot to put something on my profile about it so i thought i should do something like this
  6. *added do you mind if i use your definition i don't watch this stuff so i can't really describe it. i put credit that you gave me the definition *added
  7. Action - By far one of the most common genres out there and the name basically explains it all, normally anime based solely on this genre tends to be lacking in substance although exciting due to lack of character development or an underlying story, to resolve this creators of action based anime try to mix in other genres, usually comedy, Adventure or Fantasy. Typical Examples of this Genre are Bleach, One Piece and Freezing. Adventure - Also another popular genre of Anime, as the same suggests it deals alot with characters moving around and exploring new places, these anime tend to be ver
  8. feel free to send me a friend request I'll accept any

    Msg me if you want a few anime references to watch

    or if you want a few eroge game references

  9. all this talk about top 10 anime's naruto and bleach and DBZ and all that there all good shows but for different reasons y don't you all stop bitching about what is better if you watch it and analyse all the things that make it good you'll see that there all good shows and is there really a number 1 show? because there is always gonna be something better than something else
  10. world most annoying bastard?? well anyway...

    I'm an otaku who really likes anime/manga and their visual novels. i always want to help others and have the support in return, and since i joined this site im looking for cool people on my friends because i joined as a founder when the site first opened up, but my internet f**ked up so i could use it for about 2 weeks ago and in the time since then iv'e been playing VN's such as chaos;head, clannad and canvas 2.

    I'm 19 in college and currently in the with a broken leg so that's when i got back into this site.

    does that satisfy you?

  11. i finished cclannad and clannad after story and cannad afterstory had the shittest ending
  12. thanks mate and also nice avatar from the melancholy of suzumiya haruhi
  13. hello everybody, i finished all my anime's and wanted to try watching a different genre that i havn't seen in a while so i made this post thanks in advance;) here are some of my wallpapers https://erogegames.com/members/motoko/albums/my-wallpapers/
  14. if someone says i love you, And you don't like them say i love youtube

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