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In The City of Alabast ~ The Menagerie

  • Language: English


In the desert city of Alabast, there exists a massive structure referred to as ‘The Sail’, which separates the nobles from the lowly commoners. In this ivory tower however, there are secrets the nobles keep even from each other. Deep below The Sail, there exists a collection of sorts called ‘The Menagerie’. Obsessed by novelty, the elves of Alabast even go as far as to collect exotic artifacts, creatures and even other peoples from across the world. Here there is nothing and no one on display without a price.


The Menagerie is a new visual novel from Lupiesoft and features multiple character routes, adult content, monster girls and more!


Menagerie.rar - 292.7 MB


Menagerie.part1.rar - 200.0 MB

Menagerie.part2.rar - 92.7 MB

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Hum.... The art looks nice, and the story maybe pretty interesting too, but.........


Tags : futanari




*walks away*


Anyone who's done playing, please tell me if the story's good enough for me to play.

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Hum.... The art looks nice, and the story maybe pretty interesting too, but.........


Tags : futanari




*walks away*


Anyone who's done playing, please tell me if the story's good enough for me to play.



dont think of it as futanari. it could just be a man with nice moobs :p give her something to rest on after hes done with her

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ivan you should look into a patch for this. the game crashed on 2 different computers when doing a side(?) route if you chose the wrong option near the end


other then that its not bad but i think its buggy since i get the feeling cg isnt showing and it should be

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Does this release have the BG problems with disappearing? There is supposedly going to be a patch soon that fixes some programming issues as well.


can you tell me more about this patch?

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dont think of it as futanari. it could just be a man with nice moobs :p give her something to rest on after hes done with her


Well, the art is pretty good, and maybe i will enjoy it...........

Gotta try something new every now and then. Okay, i'll try it.

I just hope it will at least have a decent story line.

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Ok ok new guy here..... like just started learning about how to rar n extract yesterday. Theres a problem with mine, when I try to save it doesn't work. When I try to Q save a light blue screen with itty bitty words and blue underlined words pop up. What do I do.

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      In the string of unfortunate events that followed him, Martin Kane had many debts that cast a shadow over his once-secured life. Fate, however, had a peculiar way of leading him towards an unexpected turn of events. 
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      Developer: Reikodium: Itch.io - Twitter - Discord - Patreon
      Censored: No
      Version: 1.0.05
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      Language: English
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