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The Dungeon of Lulu Farea -Kill, Screw, Marry!-

  • Language: English

Makaidou Lulu Farea, literally "Hell World Grotto Lulu Farea",
is a legendary dungeon that connects to the demon realm.

The dungeon has claimed many adventurers seeking wealth and fame.
Today, a fresh hero has entered Lulu Farea.
But this time he's not interested in money or honor.
No, he has a completely different goal in mind...

"I want to plunder the GIRLS of this dungeon!"


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This game is pretty good and the protagonist is up there for my favorite hentai MC. The puzzle aspect was unexpected. I didn't have much luck with it, though, and just used Cheat Engine to see the true ending. Also, for the catgirl's second scene, you have to do a few things:




Fish until you get an actual fish

Keep buying from the general store until you get a grill

See the undead girls' second scene.

Read the diary in the undead girls' house to unlock the event.




The last step in particular wasn't very intuitive and I figured it out via pure chance.

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Oh god this game are really a gem i almost skip this game because the cover and img make me think probably another mind break thingy again but it not like that at all all sex scene are somewhat consensual sex so i don't feel any hatred or something bad from the monster girl side and gameplay are simple + puzzle it pretty fun


This maker are really genius i think it far better than monster girl quest that game when i play i feel stupid somehow has go give up or been defeated for sex scene

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Ivan is there a software i need to play this? because i keep getting green error messages that i think are saying 'unable to access the file' , the game still works, but all the character like the shopkeeper, items and enemies are blank spaces. I would put a screenshot but im not sure how.

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Ivan is there a software i need to play this? because i keep getting green error messages that i think are saying 'unable to access the file' , the game still works, but all the character like the shopkeeper, items and enemies are blank spaces. I would put a screenshot but im not sure how.


Well, u probably dosent install RPG maker yet if u still new for this tye of game

just download and install here


RPG Maker RTP Downloads | RPG Maker | Make A Game!


download this 4, then u can play any type rpgx game out there








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So i downloaded all of that, but nothing changed. Do i have to reinstall the game or do something with the RPG makers?


have you install it yet

all those 4 RPG maker that you download

if you already install all 4 of those rpg maker and the game still dosent work

then i cant help ya, usually after people install all those 4 rpg maker, they already can play the game

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Ivan is there a software i need to play this? because i keep getting green error messages that i think are saying 'unable to access the file' , the game still works, but all the character like the shopkeeper, items and enemies are blank spaces. I would put a screenshot but im not sure how.


You need to change your locale to Japanese - game stores some graphic files using Japanese character filenames and since it doesn't support unicode, engine can't load them properly.


See this page for instructions: Changing to Japanese locale on Windows 7 | Eroge Download


(Depending on software you used to extract .rar file, you might have to re-extract the files again after changing locale as well).

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This game is pretty good and the protagonist is up there for my favorite hentai MC. The puzzle aspect was unexpected. I didn't have much luck with it, though, and just used Cheat Engine to see the true ending. Also, for the catgirl's second scene, you have to do a few things:




Fish until you get an actual fish

Keep buying from the general store until you get a grill

See the undead girls' second scene.

Read the diary in the undead girls' house to unlock the event.




The last step in particular wasn't very intuitive and I figured it out via pure chance.


can you tell me how to get the 2 h scene for konkon? i know i have to go fishing (and keep the budin), but i don't have any baits anymore and i don't know where to find one (i have fished 9/10). pls help me

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