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This is a kill or be killed brutal and deadly love story. Can you stay alive all the way to the ending?

The girls are all violently possessive and go head over heels after sex. Every single one of them is sick!!


Please be aware that there are elements in the story that the faint of heart may find too grotesque.

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I have Problems with the Installation process or playing the game. I get at the near end of the installation 3 diffrent errors and the game start itself also has a weird Error.

Here some screens:










My pc is located Japan and also all other things u need are in order and didnt had any other probs with other games wich needed japans etc. only yandere making problems.


Hope you guys can help me.

MFG Taiketsu

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here the screens again:

















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if u did read i have everything possible standing on japanese. kann make screen of my regions/language options if needed <.>


But still, that error is suspiciously looked like a syntax error where the locale isn't in Japanese, so... I don't know.

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As stated before Yandere is the first VN wich makes me trouble in this way. When i get home later today i make screens of my langauge settings etc. (will be in german through).

Till now it was mostly i forgot either to put Japan as local or system support langauge japan and then the VNs did work and since im the only one with this problem as far i see currently its weird.

Hope we can fix this^^


MFG Taiketsu

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if u did read i have everything possible standing on japanese. kann make screen of my regions/language options if needed <.>


the only time I got those kinds of errors is when my computer wasn't in Japanese Locale.


you say the location is set for japan, there are 2 settings for this. one that's found in the tab Location and the other (the one that's needed) found under the tab Administrative.


unless you went to Administrative in your Region settings and went to "Change system locale..." then your computer isn't set for Japanese locale.


if you have done this already then forgive me because I do not know anything else that could cause that blue box that looks like a classic syntax error

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Very important: What version of windows are you using?


It looks like XP to me, so here's what you have to do for xp:

When you check the box for "Dateien für ostasiatische Sprachen installieren" under the second tab (Sprachen) it should have opened a dialog box that said you have to install the language files. Then when you hit ok on that box and at the bottom of the "Regions und Sprachoptionen" window it should ask you to insert your windows xp disk to install them. After that you need to restart the computer before you install the game. If you get those weird characters like in your other screenshots when you try to install, something went wrong, because you should be seeing Japanese characters.

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Naja, müsste eigentlich alles klappen so wie du es eingestellt hast.

Einziges Problem dass noch sein könnte ist, so wie Dan gesagt hat, du es zwar auf Japanisch gestellt hast, aber die Zeichen gar nicht installiert hast, und er somit diese immer noch nicht anzeigen kann.

Die kannst du entweder mit deiner Windows XP CD installieren, oder falls du die nicht hast, kannst du die dir auch hier runterladen https://thepiratebay.sx/torrent/4577344/ .

Hoffe es klappt ~

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2 answer..

1st....check for hidden files under the folder options (though i dont think thats the case)

2nd...check whether your antivirus removed/quarantine the exe

if so..then just use your antivirus to exclude the program..or just disable when running YANDERE

Thanks i had the same problem it was the antivirus

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I keep on having this problem. I reinstall the game 3 times already -_-


It's asking you to insert the cd. You need to either mount the iso before you run the game.


It says to do it "just once," so I don't think you'll need to do it every time you play or anything like that.

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can someone help me ? i dont really understand what's wrong, i already instal the game , replace the "data.xp3" with the one inside the patch, the game is changing into english but the error i dont understand why is the SAVE/LOAD system and the Gallery system still eror, can u guys help me ? i just finish DL and install it but this error makin' me frustrated T^T

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sry i havent reply fast, i got some trouble for the past few days


the problem after i patch it into english is i cant do any save or load in the game, i cant open the save/load folder and the gallery mode like that (these still without the english patch and it still works)

but my friend pc doesnt have any problem, like what i have

i dont know what making the error


err.... sry if the pic resolution so low, this is my first time posting to some blog/article ._.

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Not sure why they make this kind of game, i mean the story at the beginning is nice, a boy wanting to get laid, it's in almost every vn. As for the characters, i just love Maika. But when i got to her endings, let just say i didn't slept well last night and the last time i got this is when i finished Saya no Uta. Not sure that Japan has a high suicidal rate because of game like this or game like this exist because of a high suicidal rate... I raelly just want to skip the endings.

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