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Suggestions for next eroges

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What about Ever17? It's a pretty good content driven story.


I am not much enthused about chaste romance, so all-ages VNs typically end up low in the playing priority scale, unless quality is truly exceptional. I mean, I can perfectly enjoy fiction with little or no romance, but when it is a strong story element, I much prefer to see it reach its sweaty and messy natural fulfillment, too.

Edited by Wanderer
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Actually, nearly all protagonist are oblivious to love, especially when we're talking about slice of life stuff. It's usually like this...


"Wanderer, I love you."

"What? You love me?"

"Yeah. I loved you the whole time."

"Seriously? I never realized that."

"Are you stupid? Why should I eat with you every fuckin day? Why would I try to help you in every god damn situation even if it's a huge pain in the ass? Why should I try to be alone with you? Why would my behaviour change in your near?! And why the hell would I blush when talking to you?"

"Eh, because we're friends?"



That's sadly true. Although the degree to which protagonists suffer from this malady does vary from eroge to eroge. You may have a few where the guy is at least partially aware of what's happening, and does not yet act on it for one reason or another (lack of social skills, does not want to ruin a friendship, incest issues, etc.).


By the way, I completed Sexy Demon Transformation, and I've started Fortune Arterial. Indeed it seems quite good, and it's visually gorgeous. Now I really understand the term "scenery porn" in an eroge !! Too bad I can't apparently open the backlog, so I have to be pay attention and don't click too quickly, lest I miss important dialogue. But I can live with it.

Edited by Wanderer
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Unless you have issues with the Littlewitch aestethics (i.e. all women are more flat than Russian steppes or the American Great Plains), definitely yes. Good, pleasant story. The right amount of comedy and non-oppressive drama, pleasant endings. Just be mindful to check when you apply the English patch, since in my experience, it does use a wrong default destination folder and so aborts the installation.

Yeah aesthetics are my main issue with it. But if you say the experience is rewarding then I will give it a go nonetheless. Thanks for the tip regarding the patch.

Well, I have some experience using AGTH (I still have to try ITH); it's inevitable since eroges that focus on my preferred fetishes are largely or almost entirely not translated. In my experience, they may be useful to understand the general meaning of what is happening, but not much better. So bearable to play a nukige, but not good enough to play entirely-untranslated story-driven VNs from the start. Too many character-defining dialogue nuances may get lost. At a stretch, one might use them to finish untranslated routes in partially-translated eroges, however. Once character has been established, loss of precision may be more bearable. At least, this is my experience with AGTH. I dunno yet if ITH is more efficient.

I see. Well I am hoping that since I generally prefer simplistic romance/comedies with archetypal characters it won't be that much of a problem to grasp what is happening. Which games did you play with AGTH?

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I am not much enthused about chaste romance, so all-ages VNs typically end up low in the playing priority scale, unless quality is truly exceptional. I mean, I can perfectly enjoy fiction with little or no romance, but when it is a strong story element, I much prefer to see it reach its sweaty and messy natural fulfillment, too.


Then you are doing it right .Just play Ever17.

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I see. Well I am hoping that since I generally prefer simplistic romance/comedies with archetypal characters it won't be that much of a problem to grasp what is happening. Which games did you play with AGTH?


From memory: all untranslated parts of Mother-Daughter Lesson, some bits of To Heart 2 and of the Flyable Heart fandisc, Yumekoi Tensei, Kuru Kuru Coeur, Three Methods to Conquer the World plus fandisc, Saikyou no Furyou ga Nyotaika!, Mahou Shoujo Fairy Knights, Seitenshi Yumiel Shadow Crusade, Mahou Shoujo Sae Deluxe, Monsters Survive (till I ragequit), other Black Lilith games and "mahou shoujo" nukiges.

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huh? Romance is DEFINITELY strong in Ever17. Just because it's 15+, doesn't mean romance isn't a factor at all. I can't say much about the romance that is in the story.. but I can tell you that it plays a good part in ever17 and it's one of the most well done romances I've played.

Edited by desi
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huh? Romance is DEFINITELY strong in Ever17. Just because it's 15+, doesn't mean romance isn't a factor at all. I can't say much about the romance that is in the story.. but I can tell you that it plays a good part in ever17 and it's one of the most well done romances I've played... especially in the true route.


desi..u sure????

but i dont find much bout romance in there..unless its just me being thick-headed

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but i dont find much bout romance in there..unless its just me being thick-headed


Like I said, just because it is 15+ doesn't mean that there isn't any romance. Just said there is romance in every route you play. Just because the characters aren't being loveydovey throughout the entire route doesn't mean there isn't any romance.

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huh? Romance is DEFINITELY strong in Ever17. Just because it's 15+, doesn't mean romance isn't a factor at all. I can't say much about the romance that is in the story.. but I can tell you that it plays a good part in ever17 and it's one of the most well done romances I've played.


Then it falls under my general dislike of chaste romance. Doesn't mean I' never going to play it (I'm planning to play Symphonic Rain sooner or later, after all), just that it loses priority to just as good adult eroges.


Btw, since you have experience with Fortune Arterial, any idea about why I'm unable to use its backlog ?

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Btw, since you have experience with Fortune Arterial, any idea about why I'm unable to use its backlog ?


No idea... you should be able to use it. The way it works is that you can use the backlog and click on the text to go back to a previous scene. You can't open up the backlog at all?

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No idea... you should be able to use it. The way it works is that you can use the backlog and click on the text to go back to a previous scene. You can't open up the backlog at all?


I assumed that the backlog can be opened up by clicking on the "fast rewind" button right of the dialogue window, but no matter how much I click, nothing happens. It does not even highlight when I hover over it with the cursor, so apparently it's unactive.

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huh? Romance is DEFINITELY strong in Ever17. Just because it's 15+, doesn't mean romance isn't a factor at all. I can't say much about the romance that is in the story.. but I can tell you that it plays a good part in ever17 and it's one of the most well done romances I've played.


No,Romance doesn't play a large part in Ever17.The whole story can be made without emphasizing any romance(except for one case) so you can't called that strong.After playing Ever17,you will not get romantic feeling like other VNs.Compare with Hoshimemo and you can be known for sure.

Also,out of all 5 routes,only 2 routes emphasis romance so romance is minority .

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Like I said, just because it is 15+ doesn't mean that there isn't any romance.

True, just take a look at clannad. It's 15+/all ages and romance is THE topic of this visual novel.


I can tell you that it plays a good part in ever17

I can't agree with this though, then again, I didn't play all routes.

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Don't worry Ultimecea,I'm with you.

Yeah,romance is there but it is definitely not a main factor .


Sorry, have to respond to this.. especially since Ever17 is in my top 5 VN... this is srs business






[spoiler=Ever17]Sorry, there is no way you would have the plot of Ever17 without romance. Takeshi and Tsugumi having the twins was a MAJOR twist and plot factor. I mean, you can't say in my face that romance didn't play a factor in characters. I understand it isn't the main point like in Clannad, but it still plays a very large role. 4 of the 5 routes show a romantic relationship developing. In the true route, we see the entire family back together and Tsugumi and Takeshi reunited once again. Even after that, we see huge hints in the true route of You and Hokuto getting together, just like they did in her regular route. You can't say with a straight face that romance played no role in this VN.


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