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Microfag games is thrashing HALO 4

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Halo 4 Punishes Sexism - Cheat Code Central


yup, microsoft is moving in the big guns...on MEN

they are trying to enforce "gay rights" and "cooking moms" into our godworthy game


expect to see hookers, single moms and "strong women" shooting grenades and sabres up ur ass the next time u log into halo 4


and if u say "anything" to the gal...and she doesn't like it , you will be banned FOR LIFE


worst than that i hear that they are going to include "gender equal" bullshit in the game,this translated means halo 4 will become a new ME3

"gender equality " whenever u hear this word it's definitely bad news....for u and ur fav game


it's like game companies are run by fukin monkeys these days...

they wake up every morning and ask themselves "ah...there is this REALLY AWESOME game,,,,HOW can i FUK THAT????.......i wonder"

protest this my dear gamers!!! let us show them assholes in the game companies that we don't tolerate the likes of ME3 anymore



im going to quit playing this game from here on out

ur opinion???

Edited by switch
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1. Halo

2. Sexism... really. The single player campaign for Halo 4 has Cortana's blue ass in the players face nearly every 10 minutes of gameplay.

3. Halo

4. Microsoft.

5. Let's ban everyone for being an asshole, that'll stop the internet jerkwad theory right?


*just shakes his head sadly at shooter gamers and news writers who actually think this sort of thing is a good idea*

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I actually read this article when it was first written and I don't think Microsoft intends on keeping this going indefinitely. It seems more like a scare tactic to me and once they get their point across they will likely back off a little at a time.


I do think that there is a much larger issue here than sexism though and the writer chose to focus on the sexism part of it as it was the most obvious. It has to do primarily I think with a lack of respect from more immature individuals in general. If someone wants to play a game or make a post on an online forum why should they have to put up with insults at their expense? A curse word here or a curse word there is not a big deal to me but if someone makes a sexist remark on the otherhand it makes me mad and the same goes for any other kind of harassment as well. What is sad though is that all of the good people that are treating others with respect and sticking up for those that are being bullied have to put up with this because of a few people that never really grew up.

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Yeah, I know there are plenty of decent shooter games and gamers out there. I've played several different types of shooter myself, some are quite decent. However, Microsoft, and games like Halo, Call of Duty, and the like, have a market presence and campaign focus that hurts what little respect we that play many types of games have.


Between the so called 'Game Journalists', and the increasing frequency of paid reviews, there's so much BS around the industry these days, that an article like this, just makes me want to poke my eyes out.


Even sadder still, is the fact that I KNOW there are still gamers out there that do buy into everything these companies feed to them through advertising and marketing media.

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