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Plot relevent H Scenes?

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Is there such a thing?


It feels like a lot of the times H scenes are just thrown in just to be there you know? They don't add to the story and the writing for them is always so awkward and sounds like some lonely dudes fantasy >_>


And there's always those cliche lines, you know the lines I'm talking about. (it's my first time but yadda yadda, say no mean yes, etc etc.)


I just feel like a lot of times H scenes just ruin the immersion for me....you have a great story and all of a sudden H scene out of nowhere that has nothing to do with anything.


Anyone else feel the same way? Sorry if something similar has been posted, new guy here.

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Yes, I feel the same way. I just skip almost all h-scenes nowadays because they're just so terrible and ruin development. You can try Katawa Shoujo. I would say they have pretty "well-written" h-scenes that aren't cringe worthy. Other than that, I'm not sure where you could look. All age (or anything that isn't 18+) has better romance for me since they just don't stick a random h-scene in there for "Plot".

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YES SOMEONE MADE A POST YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well time to type something here that will lead up to my spoiler but so someone wont see it on a profile page.


[spoiler=Ever17] Here is the PERFECT example of why you dont need a sex scene. In Ever17 they have sex it says on the screen and we the reader can understand. They dont need to show us anything and we can understand that and they are in love. This shows people are capable of showing love and hinting at sex without even showing it.


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Hs usually don't add anything to the story (maybe rape where the character dies or something lol) but some of them create a romatic relationship which's in my eyes important. I mean c'mon, kissing and stuff is fine but if you're really serious about the relationship then you'll mostly end up having sex. It's a normal thing after all. But yeah, they usually suck and often destroy the situation or even the whole game. Tears to Tiara ftw.


Also, about the writing, don't blame the game, it can be also the fault of the translation because translating japanese sex scenes is apparently damn hard.

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I would say that having h-scenes in a lot of story driven visual novels just fills a requirement, only so more people buy them. An example of such VNs would be Sharin no Kuni and Ef. As far as I'm concerned, those two could have been all-ages and it would not make much difference. You can argue that h-scenes in those VN had some very minor contribution in the story, it's not really a reason to make them 18+.


There was a fun fact I read a while ago, Maeda admitted that if Air was not first released as an 18+ visual novel, it would not be as nearly successful as it was. It's a sad reality, where visual novels such as Air need a h-scene boost to get noticed. I wouldn't say that all-ages games are doomed to fail, not at all, I just believe that VNs which have some h-scenes slapped on them will fare much better then their all-ages counterparts.


Personally, I ctrl-skip most of the h-scenes in more serious VNs. After a few dozen of them, there's really nothing new to see. In like 9 out of 10 times they will contribute to nothing at all and kinda feel like a chore to go through.

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YES SOMEONE MADE A POST YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well time to type something here that will lead up to my spoiler but so someone wont see it on a profile page.


[spoiler=Ever17] Here is the PERFECT example of why you dont need a sex scene. In Ever17 they have sex it says on the screen and we the reader can understand. They dont need to show us anything and we can understand that and they are in love. This shows people are capable of showing love and hinting at sex without even showing it.


this! A hundred times this!

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Let me share my experience of nearly a year with VNs: In fact, most H-Scenes are crap. Even well written ones often don't serve a purpose except maybe only sth. like „their relationship reached the next level“. Quite a few would now demand to produce more all-ages content...


BUT: some H-scenes are so great and beautifull that their absence would harm the reading-experience as a whole. Want some examples?


Tsukihime (Arcueid): after going through many life-threatening situations and facing an unbeatable enemy two partners use their last chance to become more than friends... An epic, touching and heartwarming scene; sweet, but still projecting the graveness of the situation


Katawa Shoujo (Hanako): An akward situation: two young lovers, neither ready for sex. A fundamental missunderstanding, a night with many consequences. The road of adolescence is difficult... The best H-Scene in KS and one of the best in general.


Family Project (Matsuri): A brave little Loli tries her best to become an adult. Very moe. Maybe kind of troubling if you connect it to real live, but a young girl's struggle against fainting during sex makes my heart go HNNNNG! By the way: the adult protagonist is reluctant to sleep with a 14-year old girl, I didn't expect that from Japanese authors^^


Kana, Little Sister and Yume Miru Kusuri (Aeka) can also be mentioned.

So in fact there are some really great H-scenes in VN.

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>People who dislike all-ages because it doesn't have h-scenes

>People who think VN doesn't need h-scenes


I think that right there just about covers it. As I've stated before, I'm pretty sure I fall more into the first category. At the same time, many h-scenes are nothing more than pointless to a story. Very rarely will I ever find an h-scene that works properly in a romantic way. Most seem abrupt or thrown in at random.


The proper H-scene with good story and sexual fulfillment is a dream that many of us have. However, I don't think it's going to be possible to please everyone. I've seen h-scenes that really push a plot element, but because of this, they just make the scene feel forced, or unnatural(F/SN). Like other's I have been known to skip yet another boring vanilla sex scene to continue the story and hope for something more interesting to me.


All that said, I still think VN should at least attempt adult interactions. All ages stuff is just a form of censorship to me, maybe if game developers went more like Katawa, and gave the option to turn the H stuff off it would be more feasible to more people. But again, that just promotes making the H-scenes feel fillerish, or outside the main storyline. It's a pretty brutal circle of logic frustration.

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All ages stuff is just a form of censorship to me.


Sometimes you can send a better and more concrete message by NOT showing the h-scenes. I wouldn't see how that would be censorship if you want to appeal to the audience in a different way. Clannad would be a good example of this. Key is just terrible with h-scenes. Why should they include them if they suck at writing them? It's not a form of censorship, it's just building a concrete message and delivering it to the audience the best way they can. Yes, h-scenes only make up a small portion of a VN, but sometimes it feels that the characters are reduced to just fap fodder. I have nothing against h-scenes...a VN having h-scenes or not does not make it any higher or lower on my list, but many h-scenes just kill the flow of what you're playing. I just don't think all age VNs should be ignored because they try things in a different way than eroges. There are definitely all age VNs out there that show great progression of realistic and natural relationships without throwing an unnecessary h-scene in the mix.

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Or if there's a hot heroine you wanna see naked.

There's a few, yea.


Also, wasn't there a good H in Senjou no Moau?

Quite a few people said it was boring. I guess it's not too far fetched to say they would rather play G-Senjou as all-ages.

There's an all ages patch for it in tlwiki though. I tried it before, and doesn't like the way they censored it. (It wasn't because they censored it, but on how they did the censor. It's a rough job.)



BUT: some H-scenes are so great and beautifull that their absence would harm the reading-experience as a whole.

I won't say it would harm the reading experience if the H-scenes were to be omitted. However, I will agree that some of it adds to the enjoyment or served its purpose as an erotic entertainment. Personally, I don't think I would like it if those (that is, the one that I find amusing) were to be removed.


And yea, since I like Touka h-scenes in Sharin, I absolutely need to read the heroine routes in the FD too, right guys? :rolleyes:



YES SOMEONE MADE A POST YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well time to type something here that will lead up to my spoiler but so someone wont see it on a profile page.


[spoiler=Ever17] Here is the PERFECT example of why you dont need a sex scene. In Ever17 they have sex it says on the screen and we the reader can understand. They dont need to show us anything and we can understand that and they are in love. This shows people are capable of showing love and hinting at sex without even showing it.

Yea, every VN should be all-ages like Ever 17, I get it. Readers totally don't need sex scenes. The term Eroge should be abolished! :rolleyes:



Is there such a thing?

For argument sake, I would have use Saya no Uta as an example, but then again, people would've go and said that an all-ages Saya no Uta will do just fine. (Personally, I like the scenes in it. As far as Eroge goes, those are pretty hot.)



And there's always those cliche lines, you know the lines I'm talking about. (it's my first time but yadda yadda, say no mean yes, etc etc.)

Yes, they're really boring. I usually ctrl'ed them.



As for the whole Eroge industry itself, here's what I think. Before, it was all plot while h-scenes is like a bonus. Nowdays VNs, it's all revolved around h-scenes while plot are just there as a basic requirement.


Sad fact: Minori released an all-ages game called Supipara and they almost go down because it doesn't sell well. So they went and made Natsuzora no Perseus and added a whole bunch of h-scenes in it, and the game sold pretty well.


Edited by Gerard the Lone Wolf
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And yea, since I like Touka h-scenes in Sharin, I absolutely need to read the heroine routes in the FD too, right guys? :rolleyes:


Yep. Go ahead. Erotic Entertainment at its finest.


But seriously, only play the Houzuki route.

Yea, every VN should be all-ages like Ever 17, I get it. Readers totally don't need sex scenes. The term Eroge should be abolished! :rolleyes:


That wasn't his point nor the message he was trying to convey. People who played Ever17 would understand the point he was trying to make :rolleyes:




For argument sake, I would have use Saya no Uta as an example, but then again, people would've go and said that an all-ages Saya no Uta will do just fine. (Personally, I like the scenes in it.)


[spoiler=Saya]No one would say that because it's plot relevant and fits in with the atmosphere. No one is saying that all 18+ VNs need to be all ages, that isn't the point.


Edited by desi
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"Here is the PERFECT example of why you dont need a sex scene."


Yea, perhaps I don't understand it.


What Battler meant was you don't need to actually show a sex scene to the viewers for there to be a natural progression of relationship and showed an example of a VN. It was a pretty good example.

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I am impressed by the amount of free-time ive got , enough to post in this thread.


In any case , i would say 80% out of all VNs that i personally read (granted , they were not that many , probably around the 15-20 mark only) , the H scenes in there are just fap material , while the other 20% they are there because of plot relevance. With that said , on the ones that you need to know the main character had sex with X heroine for plot its NOT STRICTLY MANDATORY that there be H scenes as proof of what they did , their love wont be deepened because you personally saw them having sex. Implying that happened has the same effect , in my opinion.

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There are some VNs that will do just fine without H scenes those Key's VN I believe

beside they frequently release console version which are always all-age due to restriction enforce on the developer


Still H scene is just there as a Attention grabber, fap material, marketing, bonus or whatever you call.

I most of the time Ctrling it but almost always I will play the 18+ version over all-age version.


all in all having H scene or not is not a deal breaker when I choose what VN to play.

but I believe some people would choose VN based on all-age or 18+ (look in the Rewrite Download page and you will see someone complain abt it being all-age)


Ps. Random thought I thinks "My Girlfriend is the President" will be as enjoyable without H contents

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Ps. Random thought I thinks "My Girlfriend is the President" will be as enjoyable without H contents


No, no, we need our Ell goodness, it just wouldn't be the same.


On a more serious note, VNs like Osadai are not really the aim of this topic. It's comedy VN which should not taken seriously, since the plot is just silly. The OP had an issue with h-scenes ruining the immersion in the story, in this one there's really nothing to ruin in the first place.

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Sometimes you can send a better and more concrete message by NOT showing the h-scenes. I wouldn't see how that would be censorship if you want to appeal to the audience in a different way. Clannad would be a good example of this. Key is just terrible with h-scenes. Why should they include them if they suck at writing them? It's not a form of censorship, it's just building a concrete message and delivering it to the audience the best way they can. Yes, h-scenes only make up a small portion of a VN, but sometimes it feels that the characters are reduced to just fap fodder. I have nothing against h-scenes...a VN having h-scenes or not does not make it any higher or lower on my list, but many h-scenes just kill the flow of what you're playing. I just don't think all age VNs should be ignored because they try things in a different way than eroges. There are definitely all age VNs out there that show great progression of realistic and natural relationships without throwing an unnecessary h-scene in the mix.


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