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Everything posted by l3h3l

  1. As I started reading it seems to me that only voiced in some specific scenes. So far the side dialogs are voiced, others not. On the other hand the story seems interesting so it doesn't bother me.
  2. That was scary is there an english translation for this game? As I saw in some of the comments they haven't translated it YET.
  3. Very close so far All of them a great choice. My vote goes for Never 7 though. Something different is always great, though each one of them is very different from another.
  4. Hi, This game picking up my interest, because somehow the intro story got me:) Anyway it was released last June on steam, a little info about it https://vndb.org/v17745 I can't seem to find anywhere, but I'm no rush buying it for now( I have plenty of other ones anyway to read right now). Less interesting titles always getting neglected.
  5. Hi, After some search still didn't find any solution to the white screen. The music is going continuously, but other than that it's nothing. What's happening? Any ideas. The game occurring is "Ame no Marginal" Things are tried so far: run in compability mode run as administrator playing as Japanese locale updated my video drivers, codecs I have no idea what to do other than that. Thanks any help in advance
  6. Hi guys, I'm also a new member here( though to be honest I'm following this site for a half year). I joined to this forum because I couldn't seem to find two games which I wanted to try, so I figured asking won't hurt( reason is below) https://erogegames.com/eroge-visual-novels/eroge-general-talk/4163-bad-forgotten/ Anyway my long story short: when I was little I liked very much the animes, then there was I think 5-8 year gap when I stopped watching it. A couple of years ago started watched anime again, then I saw that there was VN adaptation like the Little Busters, Rewrite etc. I started
  7. Hi, I'm new to this site, so I might missed it. I was searching a little bit before posting though. Now the reason: I can't seem to find anywhere two VN: Oblivious Garden~ Carmina Burana and Notch- The Innocent LunA: Eclipsed SinnerS. Are that bad or not really that interesting. Any opinions? Is on sale on steam, but I'm not sure if I want to buy a game which I don't really know much, definitely don't want to read review to avoid any spoilers. Maybe you guys are more experienced than I could give some insides.
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