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Ray Asakura

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Posts posted by Ray Asakura

  1. In other words, if you had a chance to replace the main character of an eroge/visual novel with yourself, then who would it be?


    Well, I was just curious about who you would choose to replace. I also want to know the reason why you chose them. I may use your answers as reference on choosing the next visual novel/eroge that I will play once I'm finished with my current one. Okay, let's start.



    For me, I would like to replace the main guy of School Days. I think you already know the reason why I chose him to be replaced.

  2. I was just annoyed by the fact that my effort went to waste :/, Oh well the VN shall be good once it's fully translated with all the full updates so there may still be hope for School Days in my books.


    From what I've heard, the School Days VN actually has some good endings that won't lead to anyone dying. I hope that this is true, for my own sake. XD

  3. A lot more then the ending was ruined in that Anime, at first I was like yeah this is good, then he started to stray a little from the right path and I was like whoaa, then he just slept with anything with a pulse and I just facepalmed and thought what an ass.


    Yeah, that's right. I can't believe it traumatized me for a while after I finished it. It was the only anime that has done that to me so far.

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