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Ray Asakura

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Posts posted by Ray Asakura

  1. I'll take all of them.


    (This message will self destruct within the next few minutes.)


    Dude, don't make the loli lovers hunt you down. Hahaha.


    P.S. The guy just deleted his post. XD

  2. Both Approved. And you sure went overkill on the proof this time Melancholic lol.



    Ray Ninja'd in an adoption :p Your appoved to.


    I just joined the here so I guess I might be a ninja for a while. :p

    Anyways, thank you for accepting my lolis. :cool:

  3. Yeah. If we consider the order of their releases, it is definitely true that the light novels are the original references for Infinite Stratos.


    I guess Laura was originally a loli then.

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