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Ray Asakura

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Posts posted by Ray Asakura

  1. haha...

    i could agree on that..

    but i really prefer the happy ending after endless trials/separation...

    thats bittersweet to me~


    Yeah, I also prefer a happy ending after an excellent progress in their stories. Once they surpass all the challenges that awaited them, a happy ending is what's best for them (in my opinion that is).

  2. which i believe not many would do so as they original translated text have been shared worldwide long ago~


    Still, if they want DCPC to come out then they should realize that all they need to do is to buy the original DC. If they support DCPC, then they should know what to do and they should also know the result of their support.

  3. I just came up with a good idea that I thought would be interesting for you guys as well. This is just for fun though so no prizes to be given away to the winners XD. Well, here goes...




    1. Introduce one tsundere 2D girl from any genre (anime, manga, visual novel, games, etc). The girl that you choose would be included in the elimination round for the next day.


    2. After the introduction phase is complete for the day, the elimination phase would be held the next day after that.


    3. In the elimination phase, only one girl would be chosen to advance into the next round.



    In other words, it's like this: 1st day: Introduction phase 2nd day: Elimination phase to choose the first one to go to the next round 3rd day: Introduction phase 4th day: Elimination phase to choose the second one to go to the next round.



    4. In the succeeding introduction phases, girls who were introduced before but didn't qualify for the next round are not allowed to enter the competition again (not until the game restarts that is).


    5. Champions from previous seasons are not allowed to be nominated anymore to give chance to other girls as well.


    6. Only a maximum of 5 girls could be nominated for every nomination phase (due to lack of voters). In accordance to this,

    the nominations would be chosen by the "first come, first serve" basis.


    7. Once a member casts his vote, he/she is not allowed to change it anymore. The voting here is absolute. In other words, think carefully before you vote.


    For this preliminary, the competition continues until 8 girls have been chosen to advance to the next round.


    Alright let us begin the competition.

    Past Champions:




    [Current Status of Competition]

    ~~~Season 5 Coming Up Soon~~~

  4. I don't know, because I'm one of those freaks that hasn't seen a single Gundam episode. About 60 GB of freshly downloaded Gundam 00 intends to change that, though, when I have time.


    I've always been more of a Macross kind of person.


    Oh okay, I myself haven't watched much of the Gundam series so I don't know if it is worth it or not to give time for it.

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