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Everything posted by Cloud87

  1. I'm asking your suggestions & your opinions since 3 of my favorite games is & still is to this day is pretty soldier wars a.d 2048,final fantasy tactics & record of agarest war & like some of you guys I preferred physical media over digital any day,I hate the cloud,I hate drm & I preferred drm free. & you guys who loves pretty soldier wars a.d 2048 you guys will understand what I mean & I'm mainly asking your suggestions & your opinions about physical media of games like pretty soldier wars a.d 2048. To end it here or at least for now some people don't unders
  2. To answer your question I'm from U.S to be specific if you want me to be even more specific I'm from & i still live in Jacksonville,Florida & sorry i mean it's not a attack post or anything i've corrected it sorry .
  3. Just dropping by & seeing how are my friends,you fellow otakus & you fellow gamers doing lately/recently as for me I'm doing awesome as always so far & plus as heads up i hope you fellow otakus & you fellow gamers be careful of SJWs,some if not most or all feminsists & Anita Sarkseaon it's not a attack post or anything just looking out for us fellow gamers & us fellow otakus. The main point of this just stopping by checking in with you awesome fellow otakus & you awesome fellow gamers & if any of you ever wished i do updates such as my collection or what's going
  4. I don't know if I've chosen the right place for sharing my updates or my collection & such if you know what i mean & MOD &/or Admin if it's in a wrong place please fix it thanks anyway i don't know if i did round 1 or 2 of my updates but anyway here are my collection updates to tell you all what's going on with me so far. As for me I'm doing awesome as always to give you all updates to start off for Christmas my mom got me a PS4 for Christmas to be a bit more specific it's a Uncharted 4 bundle 500 GB slim PS4 & 1 of my family members got me a game Star Wars Battlefront 1 De
  5. Fellow gamers & fellow otaku to be honest at first i was not going to ask and i thought what the heck and ask your opinions and if you want to share your stories too as well+your experiences that's fine with me only if you want to share your stories & your experiences & before any of you ask me from who when I'm asking in your opinions do you think i should hide that i love hentai & i love hentai stuff I'm talking from my friends,girls & women when & if i put myself out there dating again & if i choose to and don't worry i don't mind and include my family including
  6. Yeah yeah i know it's sounds like I'm ashamed rest assure I'm not and as for me to be honest i don't know am i a closet fan or open fan of hentai & that i love hentai & i love hentai stuff and i don't know should i be a closet fan or open about me that I'm a fan of hentai & that i love hentai & i love hentai stuff now it's your turn to share and when & if you do share please be honest with us. To explain why i said i don't know should i be a closet fan or open about me that I'm a fan of hentai & that i love hentai & i love hentai stuff here is 1 of the examples w
  7. I don't know have anyone brought it up but bigsisterloverlol wants a tag of big sister i don't mind if there is or not so i thought of mention it and before you ask me i don't know am i going to help him with his campaign for asking for a tag of big sister so i just thought of bring it up and let you decide to either get or add a tag of big sister or don't add a tag of big sister. and see what do you think & before you ask what are my thoughts here are my thoughts as a straight guy myself. I don't care what tag it is as long as the game is any good,as long as the anime is any good &
  8. I'm sorry fellow otaku & fellow gamers if this is a dumb question and at first i was not going to ask & i thought of what the heck and ask and see what do you think in your opinions,please bear with me and no I'm not seeking approval and this question is mainly asking do you think i should hide/or continue hiding my power level from my family & my friends. When & if you read the title of this question before you ask me from who and i admit some stuff about me my family & my friends don't know about yet while some some stuff my family & my friends do know about me if
  9. Hello fellow otaku & fellow gamers here are my introduction enjoy & please bear with me if it's long/too long . 1. you may call me by 1 of my favorite characters in gaming,anime & manga Cloud,I'm 28 years old in December I'll be 29,i live in the U.S and before you ask me where in the U.S i currently and i still live in Jacksonville,Florida and as of right now I'm unemployed 2.I've only typed on google world of eroge games then all of sudden i notice 1 of the topics on this site and so i thought what the heck and join too as well 3.for eroge games all i say is so far for now i
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