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Red Phantoms

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About Red Phantoms

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  1. For Baldr Force yeah the protagonist is far more close to Mr Robot with mecha lol. If you interested on Ghost in the shell narative, Baldr Sky and Baldr Hearts will fit it better as your protagonist is more of Undercover Agent againts Militarized Religious cult and 3rd party nation doing some intervention to some developed nation Quite a spicy topic.. Too bad both are not in english yet
  2. Hmmm old game eh? i like tactical RPG on my VN so Gennin no Kishogun 1 & 2 Simply Fire emblem complete with perma death made by Eushully I bet only few know it exist so i give you the screenshot lol Himegari Dungeon Meister by Eushully Castle Fantasia series made by Studio E go Dai Akuji from Alicesoft old Baldr series (Baldr Bullet and baldr Force EXE) There are more but those are on top of my mind. Some series still exist doday like Dai Baldr and meister
  3. Most likely obscured by alicesoft and eushully title lol specially since they are mostly have no translation beside Baldr Force EXE. It got re released as Baldr Force Standardized Edition which is translation of the console port (SFW version) 15+ years after the original baldr force was released lol
  4. Red Phantoms

    Galaxy Angel

    Moon angel triology is one of better galaxy angel game.... too bad it kinda fall short on the rune angel duology for PS2. not to mention it took me 2 years to find those lol
  5. Visual novel today is a very broad genre. For me it depend on what they include the the game. Some VN like kanna sister simply just a kinetic novel with branching story line similar to goosebumps in that case i really cant say if those classified as game Meanwhile some other VN implement actual gameplay like Senjou no folklore, Hyakki Yakou, Baldr Series (Giga), Dai- series (Alicesoft) and Meister Series (Eushully). My suggestion is instead focusing on the VN itself you should focus whether or not gameplay is exist within the game or not
  6. Baldr Force EXE is the 3rd Title of the Baldr Series published by Giga for PC eroge version (NSFW) and Alchemist for Console PS2 and Dreamcast port (SFW) version. Baldr Force EXE was later re released as a bundle package in Baldr Masterpiece Chronicle along with another Baldr title and original OST. In 2018 Baldr Force once again got another re release for international player under the title Baldr Force Standardized Edition, which is actually translated port of the console version (SFW). World Building Baldr series is quite consistent with their world building. In this world, V
  7. I reccomending Baldr Series from Giga That include Baldr Fist Baldr Bullet Baldr Force EXE Baldhead Baldr Sky Zero Baldr Sky Baldr Sky 2 Baldr Sky DiveX Baldr Heart Baldr Bringer Baldr Ace (DMM prereg browser game) You can get them all by getting the Baldr Masterpiece Chronicle bundle that include the original Baldr Force EXE not the SE eddition. BALDR MASTERPIECE CHRONICLE I personally dont realy like baldr bringer and baldr fist but other then those 2 are stellar VN. As for Baldr Ace i cant say much since it still in pre registration stage Other then that i
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