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Everything posted by TheDefend

  1. Eternal_Heart Yume Full Script.txt Since that guy said my translation were not adequate n stuff, he want to solo it himself. So... There. The Alpha, unedited, unfixed, un-rechecked of my stuff
  2. well... that just was my conclusion. since one of the SS in this website that he showed us showing the EXTREMELY old version of the .docx stuff' EDIT: nvm, wrong guy EDIT2: Been 2 days and the guys that made that website still havent replied EDIT3: WHERE THE HELL IS THAT GUY ;A;
  3. We'll try xD. i still waiting for my mail reply from that guy
  4. Oh, and apparently shitty hotmail START working again after i visit this site. STUPID HOTMAIL!!!
  5. Eh, we'll probably merge. oh, and apparently he is using my script for the 10-20% of the current progress. or they just completely revised it.
  6. Urk.... Guys, sorry for the lack of update, i've been busy with exams n stuff n whatever shit that keep coming my way. Actually, it's sposely antiquity's job for the whole contacting info. So.. blame him? xD ^^ Also, shitty hotmail doesnt update the new post that coming here ;A;
  7. eh well.... that update was about in the end of october. and holiday gonna start soon gonna start tling again in few days
  8. no, that would be my fave part xD most of the troubling part are these fucking idioms that almost make no sense in ENGRISH Moved the game n my save to my desktop, forgot to bring along the script when moving it @_@
  9. Current progress, seems i've out of the most problematic areas of translation 506/3685
  11. tbh, both of our translation are dictionary based xD, welcome to the dictionaries kids. also, japanese idioms suck. This damn fandisk had soooo many of them
  12. He'll see your message, no worries. or i could always call him in steam
  13. Yes, for my part at least, though i've kinda stopped a bit due to uni starting again. 2 words : Med students
  14. her core existence is SUPER annoying.... sigh... and when i was just about to play blacklight my mom come in to sleep in my brother's room... guess back to translating for now Q_Q. gonna hit the 10% mark today
  15. that's yume route only btw. also, someone bitch-slap chinami. her lines is SUPER annoying
  16. For those still interested in tracking the current progress 321/3685 Lines translated Almost hit the 10% mark
  17. just upload it somewhere. wait. you already insert the translated one or what?
  18. good. translating the stuff is fast, getting the script is slow Wait. what happened to their policy of not wanting to do EH? o_0
  19. Finished with dragon's dogma. now just in the post-game gonna start working as soon as you send me the script
  20. er.... no, there is no branching route as far as i know. The story is more like an after story for each of the girl's route. And for inserting the text... we can prolly borrow staircase's program. though the priority is to get the script using ITH
  21. Free Cloud Storage - MediaFire there. well. unless ultimecea have something to fix
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