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Everything posted by TheDefend

  1. I've translated the prologue for yume route btw Hoshimemo Fandisk Yume Route - gemot encubed
  2. Yeah... i tried to get it as close as possible... but making it a normal speech is kinda hard XP

  3. need more what? O_O i got test tomorrow and i cbf to study anymore
  4. NyaaTorrents >> Torrent Information >> [100129]??????? Eternal Heart | Anime, manga, and music - Just say the word also, dont forget to apply the v1.02 patch ;D
  5. i put the original japanese text and the script with it, its side by side translation using tables in word documents
  6. Hoshimemo Fandisk Yume Route - gemot encubed currently working on translating Yume route, need someone to proofread and re-check my translation YUME DESERVE MOAR LOVE!
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