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Everything posted by udizzle

  1. ^ cant allow this to win, most of you(hopefully) would agree with me
  2. udizzle

    E3 2013

    been with Sony since i was a kid and i plan to keep it that way
  3. revising scripts? definitely sounds familiar...dammit
  4. another week with some ok/good updates sidenote man of steel is awesome \0/
  5. meh, my interest in this one has pretty much died
  6. update from Staircase Subs on Dracu Riot
  7. a new group called Flying Pantsu is attempting to translate Koiken Otome
  8. Irotoridori no Sekai translation not dead? umm...
  9. shut up no one likes you blah blah blah found this Grisaia menu pic
  10. so? i can still comment about it i wasnt aware of a flame war all i saw were the post from the past few pages
  11. im assuming he wanted to do a machine translation as well with that engrish
  12. http://i.imgur.com/oes13s7.jpg hmm finally figured out how to make the images big here...i feel stupid :/
  13. Holy Shit... a bunch of nice updates AND Grisaia!!! something i found in the Akatsuki no Goei Translation Thread on their website: Source they are doing a patch for the 18+ and an all ages version with the H removed... this sounds like something a certain new company should be doing instead of the crap they are attempting to do hmm...
  14. dammit killer ;_; dammit Chipp i was going to post this -.- oh well i can still quote it for the lazy people
  15. wouldnt be suprised if one of them was Da Capo 3 maybe the other Shuffle sequel?
  16. no? we maybe but we still have the time to tell people like you to go fuck themselves
  17. they must have known this was going to happen so why do it in the first place? couldnt they have gathered the necessary funds without using kickstarter? (if this is a stupid question i apologize in advance)
  18. Baldr Sky dead, Irotoridori no Sekai dead as far as i know tis a depressing way too end the night only thing keeping me sane is that Grisaia no Kajitsu is nearly done... Tenshin Ranmnan & Your Diary updates are helping.
  19. this is definitely going to stir shit up for this community lets see how it plays out.
  20. not a big surprise but now its official i guess, still sucks though...
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