Hey there! Hey that's my corner, who said you can be in it.
By the way, when they say "Come to the SB" its a tarp don't do it! If you enjoy your peaceful everyday life... then don't do it, for the love of lolis, don't do it!
Hu did the thread just turned into a Electronic festival... wait never mind it ended before i could get here. Well since I got here late here's something from me-
I will have to say air... that shit was boring as hell, can't believe I actually watched to whole shit.
I want free sex(loli must be included)
One more thing, Trollllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll
Here have a enlarged version... well big enough so you can read it and see it, I'm not a nice guy so I'm not going to make it large enough.
~Words of wisdom~
"Nice people don't get anywhere in life"
Hey there... hmm is everyone on the internet some sort of engineer.
Anyways good luck around the forums, one thing before I leave is... don't get raped, well if your Into that kind of shit go right ahead.
Seems like I'm back on the forums... won't be on that much do. I wonder is anyone is going to see this?
I'm Going To Make This Shit Much Shorter... Only Stupid Shit That I Did Will Be Here So You Don't Have To Read All That. And For Fuck Sake Remove The Hearts, I Said "Remove Them!"
Took you long enough... dude just ignore that F@g. Look at this they only talk and look at them subscribers \OoO/ PodTaku - YouTube
Le wiggles on over to the video
Oh yeah forgot about the opinion... Its okay, you guys need to spice it up more!
Episode#8... Oh yeah killer you post count(Anime) is wrong!
[spoiler=Not Spoiler Just Me Hiding Stuff Under Spoilers.]
If you did you not see that coming... then good for you, or bad... well you still get fkd in the end.