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Everything posted by Cru3l

  1. Hey there! Hey that's my corner, who said you can be in it. By the way, when they say "Come to the SB" its a tarp don't do it! If you enjoy your peaceful everyday life... then don't do it, for the love of lolis, don't do it!
  2. Hewo, An wulcome to tha forems "Welcome, and do visits the ShoutBox when you've time." Don't do it its a tarp, hostile and a warzone!
  3. Orange... I was going to go with Oreo but it seem like you will reach a dead end.
  4. Shit, I forgot about this thread once again, anyways here have some more. [spoiler=:3]hahaha not ecchi more like H
  5. Hu did the thread just turned into a Electronic festival... wait never mind it ended before i could get here. Well since I got here late here's something from me-
  6. Amaenaide yo!! that will include the second season.. then again i didn't really watch it all... more like watched parts of the series.
  7. I will have to say air... that shit was boring as hell, can't believe I actually watched to whole shit. I want free sex(loli must be included) One more thing, Trollllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll
  8. ^^7.5/10^^ Here have a enlarged version... well big enough so you can read it and see it, I'm not a nice guy so I'm not going to make it large enough. ~Words of wisdom~ "Nice people don't get anywhere in life"
  9. More Music! More Orgasms! ... What are you guys posting?
  10. Hey there... hmm is everyone on the internet some sort of engineer. Anyways good luck around the forums, one thing before I leave is... don't get raped, well if your Into that kind of shit go right ahead. Seems like I'm back on the forums... won't be on that much do. I wonder is anyone is going to see this?
  11. Cru3l


    I "lol" at the fact that the OP has nothing to do with the anime... anyways will watch!
  12. Its a reference to this thread... if you don't understand it... then I got nothing to say to you.
  13. Weee-Weee-Weee-Weee-Weee-Weee-Weee-Weee~... So when does this gif end.
  14. I'm Going To Make This Shit Much Shorter... Only Stupid Shit That I Did Will Be Here So You Don't Have To Read All That. And For Fuck Sake Remove The Hearts, I Said "Remove Them!"
  15. Will I Lose IQ... If I Do, I Quit. Will Not Continue A Game That Will Make Me Lose My Remaining 60

  16. 9/10... and yes shes a loli... Lolis!
  17. Took you long enough... dude just ignore that F@g. Look at this they only talk and look at them subscribers \OoO/ PodTaku - YouTube Le wiggles on over to the video ~(o.o)~ Oh yeah forgot about the opinion... Its okay, you guys need to spice it up more!
  18. So where is the video, Is it not loading for me... yeah I think its not loading for me. (」゚ペ)」
  19. ^8/10 Reminds me of that Pic... fox Knows what I'm talking about.
  20. Ep9. I'm not liking this anymore... yeah I said It I don't like it.
  21. I lol When I Saw This Username xD

  22. And some more music... YEAH MUSIC! ♪ d(-_-)b ♪
  23. Episode#8... Oh yeah killer you post count(Anime) is wrong! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [spoiler=Not Spoiler Just Me Hiding Stuff Under Spoilers.] If you did you not see that coming... then good for you, or bad... well you still get fkd in the end.
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