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Status Updates posted by Stàr

  1. Do you know Gigguk? Well he is a pretty good reviewer usually.


  2. But is that how you feel but worst? Cause you wanted him dead? Also about The legend of the galactic toasters where you said a protagonist dies...having 2 protagonist does not equal having 1 :p

  3. Gotta add I'm not trying to defend the series what it did was pretty anti climatic

  4. Katanagatari spoilers, I guess this was and is your warning.


    I finished watching Katanagatari, I had originally watched the first 4-5 episodes while it was airing and then time went by and I came back to it, maybe seeing it near the top of the list for you influenced, and at the time I didn't quite make the connection in what that meant...you love this kinds of things don't you Battler? I cried, and my chest hurts, I mean why does it have to be this way? Is this fate? Was that their fate? Really are you telling me Togame could of never over come her thirst for revenge, not till she died or Shichika did? You know I don't want to believe it....I want to deny it, just like that princess did but I can't and it's so sad, you know, I loved her just as Shichika did, as the series went by slowly but surely I began to love her and I wanted to explore Japan with her after it was all over, why did it have to be that way...

  5. Katanagatari spoilers, I guess this was and is your warning.


    Part 2

    ...Emonzaemon who was he, and what was his role in all this we will never know, and shit maybe this how Shichika felt too but I understand Togame now, and I accept her death, but that princess I so wanted to kill her, I so wanted for her to die, yet she is there in with me, with Shichika and she cuts her hair like Togame and she is following me, that ending, I don't know if I can accept that but I guess Shichika did, guess that is what you call moving forward, and is it me or is Shichika wearing around his waist some of Togame's hair? Really I can't stomach watching and going back to check if that white thing was on his waist before...

  6. I really can't but for now and as long as I don't check or find the answer , I kinda of wish for it to be like that, like a final way to remember her and the love that could never be...and with that the story of katanagari gracefully closes is curtain...forever...and thank you Battler for unwittingly getting me to finish this series, thank you.

  7. Stàr

    Ivan-chan I don't know if there is a way but Wolf keeps wiping SB by spamming lines, gets really annoying even if he does it only when he thinks it is right, could you somehow fix this?

  8. My only question is why did Togame not face that side of her that treated everything as an object when she went up against the holy old man, and instead was forced to remember her fathers dying words, I guess both are important but did her father's last words really trouble her that much more?

  9. Stàr

    I don't come to this place at all compared to a lot of other people but it seems to me like you've taken up the role of updating the VN translation status. I like this place and I just wanted to say your awesome Desi, Master of the VNs, thank you for your hard work keeping up with translations.

  10. Have you been watching Aldnoah Zero?? I hope you have, this last episode you would have loved it, I think...and I want someone to discuss it with.

  11. Can I have that list of your favorite anime again...I want to see it again. Please Battler san.

  12. Also this is kind of embarrassing but I forgot your birthday, sorry....and late or not, Happy Birthday Battlur.

  13. Are you the same Brin I know? if you aren't just ignore this :p

  14. Thank you Battler, Love you <3 (lost count)

  15. Could be someone impersonating you to make believe it was you, it could still be that >.>

  16. I did, it was one of the best so far probably my favourite or second favourite

  17. Stàr

    Hello Dany boy

  18. Stàr

    How are you Desi :? I hear you are super busy now but is everything good? Hope it is :v Hopefully see you someday again on the SB :v

  19. Stàr

    http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/128/847/400x.jpg?1306898671 <3
  20. Cru3l took away from me the pleasure of being able to conquer virginity of your visitor messages but hello Tilaigh, pleasure to have you join us

  21. Die in a hole

  22. Most definitely a guy.

  23. Well to read your name I cut it into two Calis-Tilaigh and then I chose the one I felt more like choosing. Was not happy on how what I typed came out so I removed it now

  24. Insert very friendly comment that I'm too tired to write right now here.

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