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Everything posted by switch

  1. CHECK THE FIRST PAGE FOR GUIDE after installing mount the .cue image for the game to work
  2. i added an install guide guys check the first PAGE
  3. engineer...............
  4. ^u r wrong tsundere-yandere alliance will rule d world
  5. ^haqua sucks HOOOORAY ELSIE!!!! fire trucks!!!!!
  6. ^no i hate lolis i love TSUNDERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. how to get it to work: 1.extract files 2.then use oyakolesson.MDS in DAEMON TOOLS 3.install the game 4.DEmount the image (.mds) 5.MOUNT oyakolesson.cue(in order to get this mounted go to the part1 archive and extract the file named image,and put cue and the image file in the same folder then mount .cue 6.crack 7.play the game while it si mounted
  8. amber..............................
  9. ^thanks man much appreciated btw where is d crack 4 dis thing??? keeps saying insert disk
  10. satyr.................
  11. GRG google search Gerontology Research Group Index Page, as of [1997 - 2007] Gerontology Research Group Index Page, as of [1997 - 2007] 1 Mar 2012 – Holds regular seminars on possible clinical interventions against the aging process and related topics in growth and developmental biology. DA F*Q???old people researcher? LOLS
  12. nymph (legendary forest thingie...)
  13. gonna rape goats??? LOL(trolling blast)
  14. nooooooooo!!checker censorship!!! nooooooooo!! blasphemy against eroge those infidels at d gaming company...i swear im gonna kill the guy who puts these checker things in the game WARNING:this game is reeeealy boring you'll regret playing it nway thanks for d upload ivan
  15. undo (very useful tool in photoshop)
  16. im ...................undefined me=UTO (UTO=ultimate trolling object)
  17. bioware go to hell ur ending SUcKed
  18. our scan group might pick this one and try to catch upto vol9but notsure yet.....
  19. yuri.......................
  20. ^his avatar has some gibberish tat i cant understand...change d avatar fershtanden??
  21. done i'll upload and givu MF link on thursday

  22. i used to play WOW but stopped due to college(AGAIN! ---college destroys your joy of life)
  23. ^u shud see d rats in iran, they call them RATZILLA!!
  24. ^well done *promotes him to troll's chief of staff* hope u become a troll meister
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