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Everything posted by switch

  1. OKAY we had a discussion about the name of the irc channel and we wanne hear your voice so give ur votes!!!!!!!!!!!!! VOTE IS MULTIPLE CHOICE UNCLE SWITCH WANTS YOU TO VOTE!
  2. ^ YEAH NEVER EVER FOREVER DUKE NUKEM TAKING FOREVRE!!! oh wait the game was finally released...sorry
  4. u guys wanne troll there is a thread for it HERE https://erogegames.com/social/general-discussions-debates/335-troll-thread/ nway
  5. ^NOT my universe....the most awesom human was bruce lee and he's dead
  6. then stay away till u become desperate enough and then come back LOL
  7. ^his avatar, first i thought the avatar is fapping,then i thought no he is trying out a BIG dildo, then i put my glasses on and......... DISSAPOINTED!!!! IT WAS A SWORD!
  8. 5.meloooooooooooooooooons
  9. no dude you got to make a new word which begins with the same letter as the letter of the word in the last post
  10. ^ feel for you same here with my stupid dog
  11. okay in this game you have to make a new word from the last letter of the word given by the previous post example:1.game 2.eroge 3.end 4.doom okay i'll start now: 1.HOLLOW
  12. Awwwwwwwwwwwww arigatou!!!!!!! i'm the biggest CLOSET pervert around here thanks for acknowledging me
  13. my tragedie today; TODAY i lost the bit@h that for 1 month i called love...she was my first girlfriend, or so i thought...in the end she said she was bored! WTF??? BORED??? anyway so it seems she wasn't my GF afterall(she was lying so it doesn't count)....i am yet to find my first GF and true love she said:"we have different religion,different race,different age(she was older I LIKE OLDER GIRLS),we have different languages(WTF?I LEARNED YOUR GOD DAMN LANGUAGE!) look mo(my name) it's not going to work out and plus i have another boyfriend back in my country" damn it..i didn't even get laid
  14. okay remember i said i'll make a thread for tragedies and adventures and the like? well here it is you can write all about your adventures,tragedies,mishaps and so on:cool:
  15. reminds me that sometims i can't understand some people no matter how hard i try
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