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Everything posted by webdriver

  1. well, now how can I know if the underwear patch working or not??? anyone know??
  2. argh... that patch is not included on the torrent download == downloaded, now will test it... thank you ero ^_^
  3. folks, I installed it, played it, then exit... then when I attempt to play it for the 2nd time, the voice won't come out...is there something wrong with my installation? Thank you
  4. So, let's get to the point, how do I confirm that the lessheadache working??? and how do I activate it (is it can be disabled and enabled on choice?)? can I check it from the start go on chapter 1??? and lastly, is swimsuits choice is part of lessheadache ?? thank you
  5. it seems you need new fresh game azure... I can't help with it then ... Sorry... >.
  6. Thank's!!!! and I just know what's wrong with the url you give....... I forgot to delete the space between magnet url... anyway it's working now, thanks ^_^
  7. well.... my famz dunno if I got this things on Lappy... but well, if asked I will say the truth... got really good famz here.... lucky me most my friends already know, and they start to call me sage(WTF O_O) cause I have broad knowledge on this side of world LOL
  8. how do I use that link??? give me instruction please thank's
  9. okay, thx, I'll try it then ^_^ I'll do this tomorrow
  10. I dunno what's wrong with mine... after install it, there are screen says for Disc Check Please insert your disc after that it keep showing some screen with japanese character.... maybe I'll post the Screen Shot later is this game patch in .exe format? if yes could you or anyone upload it for me on MF... thx ^_^
  11. what's TBA means??? sorry I didn't know what it means....
  12. I need the crack!!!!! somebody upload it for me please ^_^ Thank you
  13. I have mount it, install, then when i try to start it, it show "checking disc, please insert disc" how am I suppose to do with this???
  14. is this game fully translated?? I saw on vndb this is fully translated anyone can give me some enlightenment ??
  15. thx the help, link, and moreover thank's the advice Desi ^_^
  16. Can somebody re-upload the patch for me? prefer MF, FileCloud, ShareBeast, SendSpace.... thank you
  17. well, the matter is that my(college) internet can't take DA Link, after wait for 120 sec, then enter the captcha, then it's like "404 forbidden" and that's it......
  18. running for good but I haven't play it all through, but for now it's running and no crash
  19. uwah..... I Appreciate the help, but it's not helping, because I can't download from DA anyway thank's Gerard I need it to be re-uploaded somewhere else, prefer FileCloud,MF,ShareBeast,SendSpace, thank you I need only the music patch. thank's
  20. Can somebody post the uncensored patch? and then I want to ask, is this game need the ISO to be played? if yes then okay, but then if not, can somebody upload the crack for me?? thank you
  21. btw, I have deactived the Anti-Virus, but then I can't start the .exe is this game use Japanese locale?
  22. I just got fresh Dengeki Stryker downloaded, and when I extract it, My Anti-Virus said the .exe is Trojan.Gen.2 is this save? or can someone upload clean .exe for me?? thx for the time reading this and the enlightenment, (I assume this is anti-virus fault, because Erogedownload.com is my trusted site ^_^)
  23. I need someone to upload patch of hanabira 6 and 8 to MF,SendSpace,FileCloud,ShareBeast... well, thank's for the help
  24. ah, that's better, I can't access the blog man anyway, thx
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