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Everything posted by Shadyren

  1. Well, i'm might be thinking, if every board have different theme? Is that a good idea?
  2. Please no chatango. Shout might be good. But no chatango.
  3. Well, any eroges that without NTR ending. FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF Make me wanna smash my laptop screen.
  4. I have 500GB of animes including H-anime. And yea, most of them are download-via-webstreaming. If you ask me which anime i like... well, i have plenty.
  5. Well, to tell you the truth, 90% user that will be registered to this site only targeting to download eroges. You should start creating a section that hosting normal anime, non-H and gaming hosting. Well, yea. Lot people are start hunting proper link for downloading anime stuff. And also, you need to altered the front board, it's look messy, IMO.
  6. You can try start to suggest it. Like i said, each board you all suggest have different rules, and each rules can be interchange, depend on board title and purpose. *Need sleep, 3.28AM in Asia. Good night.*
  7. You can use this in Main board section. Yeap. Grammar Nazi is prohibited. I don't think correcting someone else grammar would be a problem... you can ever learn from your own mistake. I know because i'm the one who always get corrected.
  8. Hmmmmmmmmm? Trolls are too many out there. Hardcore have in many way. Father chop his son head off, some people brain explode, some user post goatse. Hardcore doesn't mean in ero, duh.
  9. Well... Behavior rubs off. Do not try to sell ------ Do not talk about ------. Do not lie, be honest, and do not present speculation or conjecture as fact. Handle unexperienced members with special patience. There is a first time for everything. If you find it difficult to stay calm after reading the same question for the fifth time in a week, let somebody else respond. Anything "hardcore" is obviously out of bounds. Zero tolerance towards "shock" images, animations and links. This includes stuff bluntly meant to disgust, filmings of suicide and the like. You can try to use this.
  10. That's when we called, NO OFFTOPIC for each discussion. 1 topic simply discuss current game. That's why we need to construct simple rules/Basic rules.
  11. You can just divided them into each separate company. How is that sound?
  12. Well, for section +18, we might be needed to confirm AGE of BIRTH and NUMBER of POST. Let's the veteran do the jobs. And the forum layout need to modify a bit. Suggesting - Karma vote Award/level Custom Title name icon Aaaaand. You seriously need to start create a rule regarding forum, graphic and few other stuff in each section. Mind that, some underage brat might surfing this site while cheating their age to download +18 stuff, so yea.
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