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Everything posted by OneManArmy

  1. Aaeru rage discussions, a never ending story.
  2. MAL - Plan to Watch : 228


    What the hell Desi? oO'>

  3. I'm not sure if something happened which caused a mocking reaction like that but to answer you question, who knows? It's the internet after all. Take a look around and you'll notice that a shitload of male users pretend to be female, and this is just an example. Most people will believe your words as long as they can't prove that those informations are wrong, which is a little bit difficult if you don't know the person at all. Anyway, you can pretty much expect an answer from Ryu or Ulti.
  4. Fuck yeah! Game Over is already translated! \o/
  5. [spoiler=somewhat spoilerish] Die, Switch-Bitch!!!
  6. This sounds like the shortest trial ever. Well, I'll wait for the full game. I'm not sure if you already know this but... I choose you, Ulti!!! >.
  7. Ivan is megalomaniacal and wants to conquer the world, that's all. ... Oh and welcome to the forum! \o/
  8. Yeah, Maou's awesome. But that's exactly the reason why he has the most screentime in the main route.
  9. Desi is with you. I personally also liked her awesome voice and cute behaviour. And did you know that her seiyū is over 40? I mean, wat?
  10. So what did we learn? A shitty story with an awesome character is still shit.
  11. Rewrite contains a lot of action elements which's always good for an anime adaption but like you already said, they will need some time to explain the whole story and if they want to show all routes then we're probably around 40-50 episodes. Although I'm pretty sure that there will be an anime of Rewrite but I actually don't care anyway.
  12. http://sagaoz.net/savedata/a/eustia_seiya.zip
  13. And that something would be Kanon. Seriously, who cares about ice figure skating anyway?
  14. Here's the missing(?) file so please put it into the mov folder. mn_tt_rlogo00.omv
  15. Don't install that pack because we don't know for sure if your problems are really caused by missing codecs. To find this out please rename the "mov" folder of Rewrite into something else. Start the game via exe (or use the one I uploaded) and you'll get some nasty errors which you can just click away. If you're able to see the title menu and start a new game, then install CCCP. PS : Or you could also give us screenshots of all folders so that we can check if the game misses some files, but that would be a shitload of work. Would be still nice though.
  16. Yep, and if you're planning to play that game then be sure to give me an explanation of the ending because I didn't get it at all.
  17. Fuck yeah! I didn't play any of those games so I'll just use my awesome random generator. That's one of the few things I'm actually capable to program. *starts generator* PHANTOM INFERNO ... Wat? Seriously? Oh well, there goes my vote.
  18. Download the exe which I posted in my last comment and you'll be fine.
  19. Exactly my thoughts. It was like the icing on the cake. Oh and I just realized that I turned this thread into an ef discussion round. Wooooops~
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