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Everything posted by pumasrevenge

  1. Used Win8 until a few weeks ago too. Ok, I never tried this game, but I got a DirectDraw error when I wanted to start Duel Savior. Anyway, did you try to install the game in compatibility mode already?
  2. You're speaking out of my heart. And I totally hated Miou, but Rizu wasn't much better.
  3. After playing Mia's route, it only can be a "good" bad ending
  4. I don't have problems with reading spoilers. Before playing a new one, I always look at a review to find out what happens at the end. Mostly this is the last paragraph of a review and I read from the bottom to the top, only to stop on the point where I think I know enough to like the ending Cross Channel is the reason why I'm like this. Man, they could leave it at the ending of the first day, this ending would be definitely better than the "true ending".
  5. I think you have to clear the route first if you aim for another route. I think you would get a bad ending if you follow the walkthrough for Kaede's route until this chapter and then continue with the walkthrough for Berio's route. But anyway, you have to complete Berio's, Kaede's, Nanashi's and Rico's route to unlock Lily's route and then Mia's route. If you absolutely don't want to play Kaede's route, you must use a savegame. I would recommend you to download mine and load Save01 (this is the savegame after completing Berio's route) and then you can play Berio's route again if you want to p
  6. Try to begin the route from the start again or try another route (for example, if you are on Kaede's route, try Berio's route, if you already did her route, then try Nanashi's route). If the other routes also won't work, try to reinstall the game. Have you tried on another PC? You can try to use my savegame from the first post too.
  7. "Finished" Duel Savior yesterday. To be true, I skipped three routes completely (Berio's, Nanashi's and Rico's). Berio's, Kaede's, Nanashi's and Rico's routes only are preparations and explanations for Lily's and Mia's route. Lily's route is much more extensive than the routes before and there's much more story. Mia's route is completely different than Lily's, but I liked Lily's route more. And the harem route was completely different too, but it was definitely the best route of the game The negative points of the game: Chapter 1 to 3 is completely equal for each character after you've
  8. I know, therefore some games have the DirectX version which is needed at the installation included, but not every game. And if you want to play an older game which needs for example DirectX 9 and you're using DirectX 11 (actual version of DirectX) there can be problems, without a doubt. But you can't uninstall DirectX like any other game/program, since it's not listed under the program list, which means you can't install an older version that easily, since you get the message about the newer version which is installed. It's possible to uninstall DirectX, yeah, but it's not that easy in compari
  9. I'm only using the original disc for older games, since I can get them really cheap and the old games are the best ones in my opinion (like AoE, Cossacks, etc.). And no, I can't have used old DirectX versions, because I wrote the MS support about the DirectDraw error and they send me the download link for DirectX ... "You have installed this or a newer version of DirectX already." (don't know the exact message since my language is set to German). Thx for the info, added it to the first post. You must clear all routes before you can unlock the endless mode.
  10. This problem exists on the official release too, because DirectX.11 has not all features from the previous ones. The advantage of Win8: Older games (from 1995 and younger) work just fine again. I wanted to install over eight games from 2002 and before, but none of them worked on Win7. In fact, the best solution for this problem is to install VirtualBox and run it in XP, but Win8 is definitely better than Win7 regarding (very) old/er games.
  11. And no, you can't turn the battles off. Just change the difficulty to "Little girl"
  12. Unfortunately not, only the possible solutions which are quoted. Are you using Win8?
  13. Skipped everything until a specific point, then I read everything. I wanted to play only Rin's route too, but I thought at least I should try it out ... and it was better as I thought it would be
  14. There's one reason why I gave it an 8, and this is exactly the reason why I said you shouldn't judge based on the description. The description is based on the good endings, but if you want to know everything, you need to get the bad ending too, and that is also a bit from the dark side.
  15. Here. And Ama Ane is also a good example. Ok, the average score is only in the same area as the one from Demonbane, but yeah, just look at the other rankings. And please, don't say anything about the story, it's much more complicated than the description says, because they only says half of the story. Like in every genre, there are mostly better ones out there, you only have to search for them. And maybe you need to learn a bit japanese
  16. Did you read the whole post? I only brought this up in connection with "scores don't mean anything", nothing else. Or did I compare the story or something like that?
  17. Not really, And exactly that's the reason why the scores on vndb doesn't mean anything (or at least not much) for me, since I play eroges without a translation too. Ok, maybe for someone who only plays english ones it's meaningful, but I played japanese ones which were much better than Demonbane (this is only an example out of your list), but on vndb it's more than 100 ranks lower, the average score however is much higher than the one from Demonbane. And yeah, I don't want to start a discussion here since this is a site for english eroges (mostly), but yeah, that's my opinion. An
  18. That's also a reason why I didn't play it. Btw, means nothing. CoD is also one of the best selling games and every part get a high score ... in the end it's the same shit over and over again. Sales figures and scores means exactly nothing. There are also some eroges on vndb which are for example extreme underrated. The top 50 (or so) are mostly filled with them which got a translation ... some of the really good ones don't even get a translation (or didn't get one so far).
  19. Muv-Luv shouldn't be here in my opinion ... I only played the first two parts, but I don't like it. And yes, definitely G-Senjou no Maou ... my favourite
  20. Added save for the complete Berio and Kaede route on the first post under point 5.
  21. Have you installed the patch here? Just put it in the game folder and run it. Newest version of your graphic drivers and DirectX?
  22. Yeah, made that already The walkthrough for the harem route (you must have cleared all routes before that one, just to be sure. The last route should have been MiaB (Mia's good ending). Last CG means only they from playing the story. You get 5 CG's after reaching level 200 in Survival
  23. Here's also one for the title "badass protagonist" ... although I didn't complete the game, only the demo Kazami Yuuji - from the Grisaia series. Man, I can't wait for the full english patch
  24. Doesn't work for me, since I want to play Lily's route, Mia's good route and the harem route
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