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Everything posted by ganchan

  1. Except for very very few, like EF. Mostly the animes tend to take the comedic parts and discard the serious part of the VN. In EF they tried (as much as they could) the other way around, and for overall I think it managed to do justice to the VN.
  2. Hatsuyuki Sakura started, lucky!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Yeah, I know the drop of the quality is because of budget. But if it worked for them like that, I doubt they'll increase it again. But you are right, let's wait till the next title of minori. No need to be pessimistic, let's keep the minori spirit.
  4. True, is very early to say, but still is a possibility. Because, everytime there's a new data of Supipara and NnP its gives more reasons for minori. Yeah, things are not so simple... I'll say in another way, just look at the quality of the images, NnP has very good quality but not as good as Ef, eden* and Supipara. So you'll see a decline in their quality, because their demand, has told them that they don't care about superb quality, just good quality. P.S. I did a search, but I couldn't find about your comments in NnP and minori. Would you mind to give a link? Thanks I would be s
  5. Is not a funny fact, is a very scary fact! Minori, had a very great scenario, but a very bad ero. It hasn't gone very well for minori,and with this change, its seems like they are going on the right track on sales.... it seems they are going to convert in a nukige company... The future is dark
  6. No one is saying that they are trying to do a great plot. The problem is that this game is very bad even for nukige standards.
  7. Wasn't difficult to choose... I choosed Saya, because I still haven't started with Rewrite.
  8. Reply in red If it's a RPG, you'll be lucky if there's plot, as sometimes only the have plot for the setting. Anyways the ones which are RPG, I'm not sure I think that they are RPG based on the title. But I could be wrong.
  9. Finally!! Now world happiness can be achieved
  10. Real Imouto got 40% this week as the schedule said. That's good And Rewrite... that's always good :D
  11. It makes you wonder if its a good or a bad thing...
  12. Only he could have said that... Thanks now I start to recall it was in the backyard right? Well I have 3 replies for him Sumaga She's fine. She won't die even if she gets killed. (I don't remember which VN) Yes. I'm the girl you killed yesterday. I'm glad you remember. And from Ikkitousen Yes... she is so idiot that she could die and resurrect.
  13. Atleast VNDB says that belongs to both of them Innocent Grey and http://vndb.org/p1945 That's why I think this one has the higher chances. (also is the only nukige of this company) EDIT:Ok as desi said it comes in a bundle pack, so is not of http://vndb.org/p277 but of http://vndb.org/p1945. I'm glad like that
  14. I'm happy as long as the title is not Eisai Kyouiku. But this one has higher chances.
  15. Can someone remind me when and who said that? I cant remember it at all... From Ef chapter 5 And I got tired, later more
  16. ganchan


    Atleast, in VNDB has good rating. Only one person voted less then 5, and 3 people gave it a 10. I think it's worth a try.
  17. Rewrite - 97038.49/101220 (95.87%) yayy!!!! I can almost feel it in my fingers already? Once I had a dream, that this game was released and then world happiness occurred.
  18. Thanks, I was looking the voices like a crazy
  19. ganchan

    Fate/Stay Night

    Oh, then that also sucks, for the PS2 version, it would have been better to leave it all as it is
  20. ganchan

    Fate/Stay Night

    Well, it's a pity, thanks for the reply. Another question, in the PC version there was this
  21. ganchan

    Fate/Stay Night

    I was wondering, is there a way to apply the English patch only to the PS2 version, and play it on the computer, or in other words, there's a way to play taking out the H-scenes?
  22. Ops, my bad, I didn't read the 'However' part. I though that if the editor finished at end of January (as planned), maybe a week for re-check and/or another week for any new problem... therefore it would have been a Valentine dead, but that was me being a little pessimistic after the delay. However, I don't think that a Valentine release would be bad idea, fits better than Christmas (for non-Japanese).
  23. No, I don't think it will be so soon , I think will have a Valentine dead
  24. Thanxs admin. Just one question, this one has the voice patch?
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