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someguy withaname

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Posts posted by someguy withaname

  1. If a mod is brought on by Ivan they should definitely have a lot of knowledge about this site and everything it is about. They should also be good at staying neutral and recognizing a heated topic when it comes up. Having a lot of patience would be very helpful as well. Could maybe do a combination of an election where Ivan then picks from the top 3 or 5. Would allow everyone to have a say while keeping Ivan in the loop in case there are things he is specifically looking for in a moderator that are not addressed in the top choice. Could also do something like having a sort of probation period were a new mod can flag or temporarily block but not do anything else until Ivan checks them. That way they could be limited in their ability until Ivan feels they are ready.

  2. Just to add a few theories to make this even more interesting! :D

    For the first of my theories I'll try and mention the Beginning Story. More specifically, the part were Torunga is in the underworld and he encounters a girl who appears to be Kako/Alice. This made me think a lot about the Greek underworld actually and since they made mention of Atlas at one point, there may have been more but i can't remember right now, it really made me curious as to whether that was the "underground kingdom/country" he was visiting in his travels. If he met Kako/Alice here she would already be dead because she was aborted, like Padua she was a seed that never got a chance to grow and bloom. This would obviously be pretty sad for anyone and this moved Torunga greatly and he decided to give Kako/Alice a chance to live. How he got this power or whether he had it all along I can not say but a lot of weird stuff happens in Forest so it doesn't seem too weird that he as an immortal being could bestow that gift too others. This gave Kako/Alice the opportunity to leave the underworld and live the life she couldn't before but it left her isolated and alone from others, leading to her characters development throughout the story.


    Also a quick theory on Helmai and his notable snake eyes as I thought he was pretty interesting. I would probably need some feedback on this, as I don't know about religous stories very much, but Helmai seemed to be a lot like the snake from the story about Adam and Eve. The snake tempted Eve to eat the apple much in the same way Helmai tempted Torunga with the Golden watchahussit, bad memory showing up again. Torunga accepted it and ended up losing "paradise" and Peccolia and Padua both left that The Village of the End and he was alone yet again. This sort of makes sense if you think of Torunga in the same light as Adam and Peccolia as Eve and Helmai as the snake. This is still pretty convoluted though so I might need some back and forth on this one but I hope you see were I'm trying to go with this. Helmai is hard to figure out though to be honest just because of the fact that snakes can mean so many things in mythology.


    This is more of a short side theory but it seemed to me that the Forest existed before Alice came into existence. This is because at one point just before The Game began Alice changed the rules and one of the inhabitants of the Forest said something about her not being allowed to do that because she was just a newcomer. This is only one point though if anyone has others please post as this VN was one confusing but awesome read.


  3. I couldn't play WOW WotLK expansion for two weeks because server got screwed up when they switched over, no compensation for half month of play time lost either. Then when I got the WOW Cataclysm expansion a while back I didn't know that an update was needed first. It took 37 hours to finish downloading with my DL speed. Fun times, fun times.

  4. same voice acting and so on.


    lol this is so true. I remember when I first played Fallout 3 and after the first 15 hours I started noticing that quite a few npcs sounded the same after awhile. I thought maybe it was just me but when I looked it up they had some people doing the voices for almost a dozen minor npcs at times. I thought it was kind of funny though as a lot of other games do it but I just never noticed it until Fallout 3.

  5. you were listing Psx games


    Yeah i figured there were a few good ones so I put them in in case he might be interested. :o


    Also persona 1 and 2 do not operate like 3 and 4 at all. Social links are absent and everyone can switch between a limited number of personas. I have played 1 and not 2 though so there may be things in 2 I am not aware of as well.

  6. I'm going to the the Core 3000 model.


    Ah yes, that is probably your best bet. I have that model and it has not caused me any headaches.


    Some more recommendations:


    Legend Of Dragoon

    Castlevania The Dracula X Chronicles: it even has an updated version of Symphony of the Night with new voice actors and dialogue that is unlockable, the full game not just a compression of events. Totally worth the investment if you like Castlevania at all.

    Lunar Silver Star Harmony: remake of the old one but some nice changes were made and did not hurt the original game all that much from what I saw


    Also Final Fantasy 6 is a great game and worth checking out. The graphics are definitely dated but the story is really, really good.

  7. Remake of first megaman X. I think it is called Megaman Maverick hunters. Has a short movie in the beginning too that explains events just prior to the game.

    Persona 1 if you don't have it on your PS3 already


    Make sure you don't get a PSP Go. Can only get games through download and not all of the cartridge games are available on the playstation store.

  8. Man that would be pretty epic. I always found it odd that I could be an assassin but still do just fine in all of the other guilds. I can see the thieves guild but the mages guild being run by an assassin with only three or four spells is a little weird.


    It would be pretty cool if your character could be reflected in some of the lore as well. For instance, if you found a book about the Oblivion Crisis while playing Skyrim it mentioned briefly about a shadowy assassin or mage that helped out. I'm not sure how that would pan out exactly with each game being so massive but a few nods to previous player characters would be awesome.

  9. What can we say about it? Eroge is a portmanteau of EROtic GamE, and with that, all eroge include some erotic content. It has been like that since long ago. How exactly are we going to change something that is almost like a traditional structure in Japan? All we can do is whining in this thread. Sure, all-ages game exist. However, other than Key, Type-Moon, and 07th Expansion, it's a struggle for other companies to survive making an all-ages game.


    People keep giving Ever 17 as an example, which is good. But I hope they also realized that KID has gone bankrupt.


    Yes KID did indeed go bankrupt as you said. I think it was apparent that they were in trouble long beforehand as well, Remember 11 suffered quite a bit in development I think from a combination of factors with budget cuts being one of them. As a result it was not really a surprise, for me at least, when they did finally throw in the towel as I saw the signs before it happened. We can go around and around with this subject but I want to give others a chance to comment so I am only going to touch on this one part and I'll leave it at that for now.


    As far as what we can say about the state of the industry is concerned, I think the real question is what can we not say about it? I think it is obvious just from this thread alone that there is a percentage of the consumer base that is not satisfied with the way things currently are. If we don't voice our opinions about it then that would essentially be the equivalent of giving up on what we want. Even if there are only 2 people in the world who share this view, there are more obviously but for simplicities sake, they have just as much a right to be heard as everyone else and should not have to compromise their view just because they are a minority.


    Another thing is this, how do you expect the industry to change if you just keep excepting it as is? I personally love discussing these topics because I love Eroge/VNs a great deal and if I did not care I would not be commenting anything at all. Some of the most important changes in history started out with people discussing their likes and dislikes of the current system. From those discussions, some people decided to try and make a change and put their discussions into practice and made their mark on history. Is the current system good? Is the current system bad? I personally don't like the way the industry is headed and I think without innovation it is going to stagnate but others may think differently.


    Maybe I'm a dreamer and maybe I'm also an optimist. But as long as I feel the industry can be improved on however, I am going to keep discussing this and other issues and one day, when I have enough knowledge and experience, start putting those discussions into practice. So you asked how exactly we are going to change something? Well it starts right here by discussing it.

  10. Could it be that you played a similar character in Oblivion and Morrowind as well? Just curious, since that's what I've been doing. Thief/Assassin in all three games, doing mainly the Thieves Guild and Dark Brotherhood storylines since they're always really great, pretty much. That said, I think I enjoyed them a bit more in Oblivion.


    Skyrim had Cicero though, and I'm a big fan of evil clowns and other similar things...


    Yeah, you caught me on that one harle :o. lol I played an assassin type in all three too, I switch out the race depending on how I'm feeling though sometimes. I've never been one for the brute force approach or magic so it fits me pretty well. I loved the thief and assassin guild quests in both Oblivion and Skyrim, even though I liked Oblivion's thieves guild quests a bit more to be honest.


    That's cool that you like Cicero too, most of my friends didn't like him but I thought he was a pretty interesting character personally, definitely more so than many others in the game. :)

  11. I was reading the thread about TESs and a comment about Fallout made me realize that we do not have a thread for Fallout in the Games Lobby. So here it is for everyone to discuss and enjoy:


    I have not played the first two Fallout games so I am missing half of the games but I liked New Vegas better than 3. The mechanics were more refined and there were more opportunities for customizing your character. I also liked going back to the west and meeting up with the New California Republic a lot as well. They were mentioned throughout the lore a lot but you never get a chance to see the Republic in action in Fallout 3 so it was interesting. Possibly minor spoilers for New Vegas ahead and it gets a little deep too so you have been warned:



    Oddly enough I actually liked the New California Republic from what I heard in Fallout 3, I only used in game sources for information until I beat New Vegas. It seemed like this beacon of light of sorts in the post apocalyptic wasteland that was Fallout and appeared to be trying to make things better for their people. When I played New Vegas though I was dissappointed at how they were handling things and it seemed like the Republic's core values had faded over time. They seemed more interested in Bureacratic red tape and expanding their borders for imperialistic gain instead of what was best for their people. Their army was also stretched very thin and it seemed like one wrong move could cause the entire edifice to come crashing down.


    This made me think a lot about the Roman Empire and why it eventually fell after dominating most of Europe for centuries. In the 5th century a few decades before the historical end of the Western Empire there were reports of soldiers who were cutting off their own thumbs so they would not have to fight for the Roman government. This was in stark contrast to the early Republic when tales of patriotism and Roman pride seemed much more genuine than some of the more obvious propaganda pieces and dramas that were written and performed to raise morale during the Empire. It was pretty clear that something, a lot of things actually, happened over the centuries that made the people collectively decide that being Roman was not as great as it used to be. There was more to it than this but I was primarily very impressed with how the game managed to make me think about these things. Such as what makes a good government? Can anarchy sometimes be preferable to bad government?


    I also liked the Divide DLC as well. The story was not something I would write home about to be honest but it made me think about a lot of things as well. It made me think about what makes a country? Does a country have a collective soul? Can one determined person change the destiny of said country? Can the spirit of a country survive even if the government fails? Does a country have to die from within before it falls apart from without? It was pretty interesting stuff I thought and was right up my alley as far as organizational and national development are concerned. If only more anti-game lobbyists could see beyond shooting a mutated gekko or collecting that one extra nuka cola bottle. Then games and VNs might be seen for what they could really be and not what is just on the surface.



    On a sidenote: fully modified Holorifle equals super awesome weapon. Loved that rifle so much and it made the rest of the game so much easier. Also, the poll shows only 4 titles but any Fallout titles would be fair game.

  12. I've played Morrowind, Oblivion and Skyrim so far and I only finished Oblivion's main quest line, too many side quests that are so much better than main story in my opinion. Still lost several hundred hours of my life though on all three, especially Skyrim training my dark elf Assassin. For Skyrim I had him specialize in daggers and using the bow and arrow and he could literally one shot everything, on default difficulty at least, pre-dawnguard with a dagger sneak attack once I got glass gear and I used his enchanting and smithing skills to max their stats.


    As for Oblivion, I liked how they did everything as far as character progression better in Oblivion than in Skyrim. Skyrim was awesome in a lot of ways but they simplified a lot of the mechanics a little too much I thought and it took away from some of the strategy of making that "perfect" character, if you know what I mean. Oblivion wins out over Skyrim or Morrowind in my book by far though. Throw in a few mods to balance things out a bit and you've got a title that can easily sap hundreds of hours away from your life.

  13. Sometimes you can send a better and more concrete message by NOT showing the h-scenes. I wouldn't see how that would be censorship if you want to appeal to the audience in a different way. Clannad would be a good example of this. Key is just terrible with h-scenes. Why should they include them if they suck at writing them? It's not a form of censorship, it's just building a concrete message and delivering it to the audience the best way they can. Yes, h-scenes only make up a small portion of a VN, but sometimes it feels that the characters are reduced to just fap fodder. I have nothing against h-scenes...a VN having h-scenes or not does not make it any higher or lower on my list, but many h-scenes just kill the flow of what you're playing. I just don't think all age VNs should be ignored because they try things in a different way than eroges. There are definitely all age VNs out there that show great progression of realistic and natural relationships without throwing an unnecessary h-scene in the mix.


    Wow, I was literally gonna create a thread very similar to this today or tomorrow but it is already here so less work for me haha. :D


    Back to topic though, I really feel the same way about this subject in a lot of respects. I personally feel that Nukiges fill the role of fap material very well. They don't need to tell a great story because that is not their primary purpose. A story driven VN/Eroge however, that is about telling a story and not about H-scenes does not need them so much because that is not the message they are trying to send. For me, if I am reading a VN/Eroge for the story and not the H-scenes, they will almost always get skipped over since many can be extremely long winded and only delay my continued reading of the story. They can also feel like they are tacted on after the fact as well and personalities of the characters can sometimes change once the H-scene begins, EF comes to mind here. On a side note, they can also contribute to what some dub the “Nukige Effect” if they do not fit with the story effectively. I will leave a link here instead of contributing to making this wall of text any longer than it is already becoming though so breathe a sigh of relief guys :o. Nukige Effect This stereotype really annoys me and the author managed to do a good job of putting my feelings into words so I’ll let the article speak for me this time.


    An awesome VN like Ever 17 for instance, heard it mentioned several times so I'm continuing that tradition haha, is a good example of a VN/Eroge that is about the story being told. Could there have been H-scenes in Ever 17? Sure, there could have. But would this have helped make the story stronger? I don't think it would have in my personal opinion. Spoiler alert coming up for Ever 17:



    Tsugumi's, as well as Sora's and Coco's/True routes are good examples of what I am trying to say. Obviously, sex happened in these routes and it actually made sense with the story because two of the protagonists would have been absent otherwise. In Ever 17 though, we did not get a play by play of Tsugumi and Takeshi having sex and how they went about doing it. The sex was all implied and it was left up to the reader to fill in the gaps.



    If a few H-scenes were thrown into Ever 17 they would have served only to distract me from what I was really reading it for which was the story. This would have been doubly true if they were done in the traditional way most H-scenes are done. This is because I think the character and story development were both done in a way that made H-scenes unneccessary and they would have felt tacted on if they were added in my opinion.


    I am currently finishing up Forest right now, if you have not read it yet please do so now as it is amazing (seriously, please click on this link and check it out as it is awesome Forest haha :)). With that said however, I think it is also another example of how H-scenes can be put into a VN and not add much to the story. If they are done right they can indeed be helpful, unfortunately most of the time H-scenes fall short when it comes to helping a story say what it wants to say and can end up distracting the reader from the story itself. I don't personally think Forest needed H-scenes at all to be honest but I am just me and everyone has their own opinion, so make up your own mind about this point. I am finally done now and am going to finish Forest, so have fun picking me apart on this post and see ya later guys :).

  14. Hey guys,


    I was just wondering if you guys could recommend any good short VNs, in this case meaning any that can be read in 8-10 hours or less. I have a new job coming up at the end of this month and my free time for the forseeable future will be very slim, o rewrite why must we always be kept apart. :( Any genre would be fine, I just really want to keep reading VNs during this interval but with so little free time to do so I don't want to lose immersion halfway through a good story if you know what I mean. Thanks in advance for the help guys. :)


    Fuck DLC.

    DLC has now turned developers into lazy fucks. Releasing games hastily in order to fill up the holiday season, leaving things ridiculously unstable and buggy, leaving content out.

    But it's no problem, just release a DLC patch!

    Thanks to DLC devs aren't as focused on quality and content anymore - after all it can always be added later for just $5. Some games were guilty of this before DLC even (SW: KOTOR2), but now it's ubiquitous. Day-1-DLC is the second kick in the balls you get.


    And for the final nail there's on-disc "DLC"---ffffffffffffffffffuck.


    Wii U is also guilty of this. The base console was gimped as fuck when it came out, and it required a hugeass update before it became useful. Nintendo even tweeted that people who give Wii Us for christmas should pre-update them so that the receiver can "play right away". Damn.


    I can sympathize a lot with this. DLC very rarely does anything for me and if it is interesting it is usually something I can wait on until the price drops substantially. I think DLC was a good idea initially but it has been overexploited by too many companies, especially when a DLC comes out that should have been part of the original game in the first place.


    I personally think that consoles will fade from the mainstream as time goes on. There will probably still be hybrid pcs/consoles in the future, but it will likely not be mainstream and will be for more diehard gamers. There are quite a lot of consumers that play games on a more casual basis and they will be looking more towards cost savings and ease of use rather than whether they can physically own a game or not. From a business perspective this sort of transition could be very good, for whoever can take advantage of the changing dynamics that is. From a consumer perspective on the other hand, it will likely depend on a person's point of view and needs as to whether this is a good or bad change. Even though I don't want it to happen, I think streaming is going to keep growing in use as time goes on and hopefully there are enough very loud and educated gamers online to keep companies in check in regards to respecting consumers for giving them their money.


    brief sidetrack


    With all that said though, it does annoy me a bit that I can't play my Portal 2 game unless I am logged into Steam. I was a bit irritated when Steam was acting up one time and I got a message at the game startup screen saying I needed to be logged into Steam in order to play MY PORTAL 2 GAME THAT I PAID FOR!!! I am personally holding onto my old games in case future companies are not kept in check in regards to placing limits on things we as consumers purchased with our money.


    end of sidetrack

  16. Hey guys,


    Here is an article I just read today about game consoles and how many think they will be overcome in the future, with tablets and other mobile devices becoming more and more powerful. While I have seen other articles on other sites explaining this idea in more detail I thought this article highlighted the key points pretty well, so I was hoping I could see what everyone else thought about this subject if possible.


    Here is the link How and why consoles will die?


    Thread Update: New link about the upcoming PS4 here as well.

    Thanks goes to Sandremo for giving us even more to talk about in this thread. :)
  17. Ok, this is a subject I have heard on several game sites so far about The Legend Of Zelda Series. There are those that seem to be on one side of the fence and want it to be the same, then there are those that are on the other side and think it needs an overhaul.


    I was hoping to hear what the consensus was from the forum on this subject though. I know some might feel strongly about this issue so remember no knives, blunt objects, or firearms permitted on the thread at this time. :p


    If tempers start to flare look at this pic to cool down:



  18. I actually read this article when it was first written and I don't think Microsoft intends on keeping this going indefinitely. It seems more like a scare tactic to me and once they get their point across they will likely back off a little at a time.


    I do think that there is a much larger issue here than sexism though and the writer chose to focus on the sexism part of it as it was the most obvious. It has to do primarily I think with a lack of respect from more immature individuals in general. If someone wants to play a game or make a post on an online forum why should they have to put up with insults at their expense? A curse word here or a curse word there is not a big deal to me but if someone makes a sexist remark on the otherhand it makes me mad and the same goes for any other kind of harassment as well. What is sad though is that all of the good people that are treating others with respect and sticking up for those that are being bullied have to put up with this because of a few people that never really grew up.

  19. Exactly, for example, to me that Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! anime is pure shit about retarded girls doing retarded things every episode but to killer and desi is a masterpiece, tastes variates from person to person.


    That is a pretty good point. An online poll is nice and all but it should not be the final decider on whether everyone agrees that these tropes are over done. My Japanese is still not very good so I can't read the original poll in its entirety, but what are the demographics of the voters in this poll anyway? Unless this is known the poll is ultimately useless as it can have too much potential bias.

  20. After just finishing this VN I have to agree with you and say how good I thought this VN was in my opinion. Here are my two cents about the VN:


    Plot- I liked the premise a lot.

    it would have been easy for the writers to turn this into a mediocre sci-fi VN about an alien creature trying to uproot humanity, it has been done many times in the past. By giving two perspectives though instead of just one it made it hard for me to tell who was really the true monster in all of this. This made the VN’s story much more intriguing and I personally love dark stories involving human psychology anyway so this really won me over.



    Music-The music was awesome in my opinion. I actually did not notice the music much while I was reading the VN. This, I think, says a lot about how good it was though because it fit SO well with the atmosphere and mood of the VN that it blended in with them perfectly and became part of the entire “experience”.


    Pros- intriguing story, awesome music, amazing atmosphere, interesting characters


    Cons- length and detail given to h-scenes (please here me out in the spoiler below before someone attacks me on this one), rather short VN


    I personally thought that the sex scenes were far too explicit and were treated more like porn instead of being used to enhance the story. This took away from the story a bit for me because every time a sex scene started I thought why do I need a play by play for two people, three in one, having sex? I understand that sex is part of the story but why is the sex getting so much air time? Honestly, I think sex can enhance a story if it is portrayed correctly; Katawa Shoujo did this well in my opinion, with the arguable exception of one scene. However, I also think that when it becomes too explicit or takes away from the focus of the story it starts to enter the realm of porn and it did not fit the story of Saya no Uta in my opinion.


  21. As for the soundtrack, it's really good. Most of it sounds like some celtic fantasy music or something, and it fits perfectly. You very much get a magical fairy tale-like feeling from it, both in and out of the VN. I think this might be my favourite song:

    Well, there's plenty of other great songs too (ex.

    , and
    ). Ah what the heck, here's the
    also. To sum it up, I love this music. I'm going to listen to it later on to remind myself of this bizarre VN.


    Mmmm, yes. You know the music of a game/VN is good when you just want to keep listening to it even though you're done with the game/VN itself. That's very much the case when it comes to Forest for me. And of course there's a good chance it'll be the same for you.


    I just clicked the music links and my conclusion is......I MUST DOWNLOAD THESE TRACKS!!!


    And your experiences through gifs part was hilarious! I really wonder if my expressions will be similar when I read this one hmm....... who knows but I know what I'm reading after I finish Saya's song now. lol

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