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someguy withaname

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Posts posted by someguy withaname

  1. Geez I can't believe I just now found this thread sorry for not coming here first :o


    I'm 20 and from the U.S.A, well physically at least. Mentally I kind of diverged a bit.


    Favorite anime: Code Geass

    Favorite Visual Novel: Ever 17

    Favorite game: Chrono Cross (Chrono Trigger extremely close second)


    Here is my official introduction. Hope I don't annoy you all too much with my wall of text habit. lol

  2. 吉国 Yoshikuni (good fortune country) 徹平 Koike (penetrating peace)

    Makes me feel like a point of interest in a travel catalogue for some reason.


    坂本 Sakamoto (true hill) 克己 Katsumi (kind self)

    My real name for this one.

  3. Dang! I could not understand what was going on at all but I somehow found it hilarious.


    To answer your question yes. As long as there is something Japanese related. I saw Kanji so it counts. :)


    Edit: changed policy since this post. There are just too many good articles to limit it just to the content featured primarily on this forum so it is now all articles. They must still follow forum guidelines of course. :p

  4. I was cruising the threads and I came across several articles and websites that had been sourced by one member or another that I found interesting. The problem is that there are so many posts that your average user probably won't be able to find all of these interesting articles and websites that have been referred or referenced as they simply do not know they are out there on the forum. I was hoping that for this thread we could try and post whatever interesting articles and websites we know of or may find in the future. It doesn't matter what they are covering so long as the articles meet forum guidelines.


    Final Note: I have tried to make sure all of the sites listed will not have a problem with their material being sited on this thread but there is always the possibility that I made a mistake somewhere. If for any reason an author or Admin of any site or article does not want their works cited send me a pm and I will immediately remove it from this list.


    Here is the list as it stands:


    General Information


    Anime News Network

    http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/ This one is a very good site that has information on literally thousands of anime. If your looking for information on a particular series or simply trying to get ideas for anime you might be interested in here is a good place to start.


    America's 2009 Anime Market Pegged at US$2.741 Billion-according to animenewsnetwork

    America's 2009 Anime Market Pegged at US$2.741 Billion - News - Anime News Network From the same site as above just not on the home page. This one shows the US Anime Industry from 2009. This is getting a little dated but is still pretty relevant. Also great to check out the rest of the website as they have some other cool stuff.


    My Anime List-thanks goes to Desi for referencing this site in the shoutbox

    http://myanimelist.net/ This is a site that has a ton of anime stuff for Otakus of all walks of life. There is also manga and other stuff as well so it is a great place to learn more about your favorite obsession. I'm not going to go into too much detail here so check it out for yourself. Anime, Anime, Anime, is there anything else worth saying?


    Mangareader-thanks goes to Ultimecia for referencing this site in the shout box

    http://www.mangareader.net/ This website is for Otakus who are looking for their manga fix. There are literally thousands of manga here which equates to tens of thousands of pages of text. If you thought you were running out of manga to read think again for this site will keep you busy for a long long time.


    The present and future of the US anime industry-according to Yumeka

    http://animeyume.com/blog/2012/01/11/the-present-and-future-of-the-us-anime-industry/ The title pretty much says it all on this one. The article is pretty interesting and even if its not your cup of tea there are some pretty good screenshots to add to your collection so its worth checking out.


    Don't Panic! Analyzing the Decline of Anime-according to Megan

    Don’t Panic! Analyzing the Decline of Anime « Project Haruhi This is another article talking about the stagnating market that we are currently facing. As the title suggests it is not all doom and gloom and the future does seem ripe for many new generations of Otakus.


    Wahfuu Rant: The Nukige Effect-written by Wahfuu

    wahfuu rant on nukige effect Here was an article I found very interesting. It is essentially a long rant about how nukiges and Visual Novels like Clannad and Ever 17 are lumped together with tentacle rape and other fetishes. While most enjoy a good nukige from time to time having everyone outside of the eroge fanbase think of them as the same thing can be very annoying, at least for me personally. If you feel particularly strong about the issue feel free to comment on their blog as well.


    Japanese Learning Aids


    Let's Learn Japanese!

    Fast Track: 100 Grammar Points | TheJapanesePage.com For anyone like me who is interested in learning Japanese but needs a good place to start. Easy to understand format so great for beginners and intermediate beginners.


    The Anki Flashcard Making Program

    The Anki Program Even though I listed this one under Japanese Learning Aids Anki is something that can do far more. It is at its core a flash card making program and is great for studying a lot of different things such as languages, geography, names, etc. Anki can also be used on your mobile device as well so it is great for when your sitting around in waiting rooms or trying to pretend your listening to your teacher or professor in school, we all have those days at school so just admit it and move on. :)


    Digital Dialects-Learning through games

    Japanese language learning games Not 100% accurate with every word or translation but still another great place to start learning Japanese on your own. I find the format to be the best way to start learning for me personally. Also has many other languages so goes beyond just Japanese. While this is obviously not going to have you speaking a language like you were born to it, it will help get you started and help you figure out what learning process works best for you.


    Audio and Written Short Stories In Japanese

    Immerse Yourself In Japanese This is another one for those who are interested in learning Japanese but don't know where to start. There are literally hundreds of short stories here and while they may be children stories, for the most part, you can't expect to read a scientific journal in Japanese from day one and you have to start somewhere. The words and grammar are easier to understand overall and the Kanji is much less than it would normally be as it is geared towards a younger audience. If you combine listening to Japanese with some of your vocab and grammar studies you will be amazed at how much it could help with comprehension. Just click on the story you want and click the download link.


    Other Interesting Articles



    Kickstarter Here is an interesting site with all kinds of projects. There is pretty much anything you might be interested in here so give it peek. If you have any ideas of your own you can even start your own project if you wish and add to the growing collection on the site.


    Weapons of Mass Disruption #3: How and Why Consoles Will Die

    How-and-why-consoles-will-die? Here is an interesting article about talking about the growing power of mobile devices and whether they could eventually make game consoles a thing of the past. Here is the link to our thread on the subject as well if you are interested Thread


    Halo 4 Punishes Sexism-Brought to you courtesy of Switch

    Halo 4 Punishes Sexism If you are here you have likely played a few video games in your life as well and this article should interest you a bit. I will let the article speak for itself to avoid bias and if you feel strongly about it one way or the other visit our thread in the Game Lobby Thread


    Reverse Thigh Pillows-From TeamLiquid and brought to you courtesy of OneManArmy

    What do you think of reverse thigh pillows? This one is just..... well I can't really put it into words but I found it humorous. It gets pretty out there about halfway through so consider this your headsup.


    Kid's Famous Trilogy and All of its CG's

    Kid Trilogy CG's If you ever wanted another way to get the CG's from KID's amazing trilogy then this is the place you should go. WARNING MAJOR SPOILERS for those who have not played all three.


    ef - a fairy tale of the two. Series wallpapers

    ef - a fairy tale of the two. - Wallpaper and Scan Gallery - Minitokyo This one's for all you EF lovers out there. Site also has other wallpapers too so its a great place for building your collection.

  5. Megaman Zero 2~4


    O man! the megaman zero series absorbed my life for awhile especially the second one, don't know how I forgot to list that one actually lol. It was so bad that I got to a point were I could beat the entire second game without taking a single hit. Now its been so long I don't think I could go 5 seconds without getting beat to death.

  6. I like to talk aloud to myself a lot when I am thinking about something I am really into. Good thing is people have bluetooths now so most people just assume I am on the phone. lol Don't get me wrong I am not talking to imaginary people or anything, it just helps me figure out a problem better if I can here my own voice while I'm thinking.

  7. I did not see a thread for this one and I was wondering what sort of older games everyone was into back in the day.


    Definition of Classic in this case would be anything before 2001.

    My favorite's list is:


    System shock

    Final Fantasy 7+8

    Silent Hill

    Chrono Cross

    Zelda: Ocarina of Time


    Spiderman-not sure about the rest of the game but the sidescroller were you could be venom as well and you had to fight carnage at some point and it was ridiculously hard.

    Sonic The Hedgehog series-up to and including Sonic and Knuckles

    Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles-The one about traveling to different time periods

    Pac Man

  8. infinity fuck or treyfuk.... they are the same

    microfag games fucked gears of war 3.... EA fuked ME3,godfather 2,and crysis 2....


    crysis 2...tat abomination, half the time i was shooting air,the other half i was doing acrobatics on cars,enemies and rooftops, i spent half of te game waiting for my battery to charge up...only to be empty in 1 second


    story? wtf is a story? oh nononononononono THAT WORD is blasphemy against god in EA games, if god forbids an employee comes up with a solid story ITS AGAINST COMPANY POLICY...HE will be butt raped and sold in mexico to a gay-prostitute whore lord


    After godfather 2 was released...i immediately thought === EA games: CHALLENGE LOGIC...at every level that includes the logic of a cat

    in godfather 2, i has the pleasure of being born in a wall, then running with my headless soldiers to rescue a friend who was walking on his hands...(it really happened)


    Valve is also heading in the right direction...into faggy-faggy land... all game companies are fucked,

    you wanna find a good company? sorry thats as impossible as finding a virgin girl in college


    blizzard is duping retards into playing the same shit with some changes.i mean COME ON, pandas??wtf??since when did azeroth go made in china?

    is WOW a baby game now???... cudnt they come up with a better idea? like an ogre race or naga faction?

    everyone knows that WOW went downhill after wotlk, i stopped playing after burning crusade cuz it got repetitive...


    WOW was majorly fucked after "glyphs" were "enforced"


    last time i played diablo 3 i felt blizzard was coming out of my ass, i mean they were constipated with an enema stuck up in their ass,

    they were TRYING to make a game but failing,like weaboos failing at being human


    this just shows that companies are killing experts and hiring absolute fuktards who have no fucking idea what they are doing,

    they might aswell be selling hotdogs in a mall.. my cousin is working at ubisoft, only thing ive seen him doing is playing games in his mama's basement


    his programming knowledge equals that of a limp penis, in his opinion the best game of all time is COD MW3 ... another one of "those"

    apparently his mother is blonde ....THAT explains everything


    "Yes, let the hate flow through you."


    So passionate and so right in so many ways Switch.

  9. I can relate somewhat I think. I lived in a very religous area until a few years ago and even public school was flooded with religous values and beliefs. It wasn't necessarily a bad thing by itself, I am not religious but I can understand the appeal, but there where a lot of kids who were raised by extremist parents and for an eroge loving atheist like myself it was "difficult" to put things politely. Bullying aside though I wish more people would put aside such differences about and just agree to disagree. There are 7+ billion of us out there and who is anyone to say their way is the one and only way live.

  10. I tried understanding Ever 17 at first, I really did, then I started the true ending and I remember thinking wth! is going on. Every theory I had was completely blown by the first 4 hours. I figure there are some things mankind was never meant to fully understand.

  11. lol to everyone who mentioned the wall of text. I only planned to do one rebuttal for each person anyway because I know I can overtalk. I can go on and on about this and other things too so please forgive massive wall of text. Great back and forth though Gerard it was fun trying to find answers to all of your valid points, it gives a lot of food for thought for me later on and a good excuse to keep researching the subject as well.

  12. Real quick to Hyromaru before I begin again: I am definitely taking your word on that point, my dream is to go to Japan one day but I do not pretend to know all that much about Japanese culture outside of what gets brought to my own country, which is not as much as I would like. I do still want to go though because it’s my dream and gosh darn it I'm going to make it happen one way or another someday. :)


    I am still trying to figure out how to quote properly, newb here I know but I can do spoilers now so it’s a start, so I will retype the first part of what you responded to for now until I finally learn how to do it. Here we go:

    1. "A family eroge (erotic games) eh....." Yeah now that you point it out that does sound rather eh... lol I could have definitely phrased that part better.

    2. "The fact that you failed to notice is that nukige....." Actually I did notice that fact and have wanted to comment on that in other sites in the past, no personal computer made it somewhat difficult haha, but I failed to mention it because when I was saying eroge I was talking about it in all of its aspects, including nukige. I was trying to avoid having the topic depart from its initial string, since I could write my thesis on this subject and just might, but I probably should have been more forthcoming in my definition of what I was considering eroge as well as hit on that topic briefly. I probably should have explained a bit more on my next point too in order to avoid confusion.

    Now, correct if I am wrong but I think you were assuming that when I mentioned A game I was talking about story content only which is not the case. "A-game" in the way I was using it meant eroge content in all of its aspects, story progression, h-content, character development, etc. If h-content is what the consumer wants then that is what the consumer wants but the more competition there is the better it will have to be to remain competitive and the same for the other parts of eroge as well.

    3. "That example is flawed....." Yes you are right again on that point as well but I was using that example only as a hypothetical. I was making the argument that if eroge expanded in the west and became like movies are today other domestic companies would undoubtedly spring up to seize the market. These companies, in this theoretical world, will be catering to their own market in their own country and undoubtedly will impart a portion of their cultural heritage into their eroge creations. This would lead to a broadening of what it means for something to be considered an eroge and would in my opinion enrich the genre beyond its current form.


    4. "Other than MG and Jast....." This is true yes but there is still a market to be had globally, I bought persona 4 anime for my cousin for Holidays so prime example here. This was again part of my hypothetical world and in that world, previous two entries, I was using it as an example to show how even with increased competition OneManArmy and everyone else would still be getting their eroge fix.


    5. "I'm pretty sure they don't want gajin money" I think you underestimate business leaders. If I were to offer you free money, no strings attached, would you turn me down? I could be wrong but I don't think you would, I certainly would not, and that is exactly how a good business man sees a potential investment. The problem is developing a plan to persue such a venture, as well as convincing others it is a good plan, in this case expanding eroge throughout the west. This is a topic I want to avoid since I don't want to write a 100+ page business plan for this at this particular moment but in a future thread who knows.


    6. "You seems[sic] to believe....." I believe they care about their largest market more than any other, which unless the world shifted is Japan, right again. Once again though, this is part of my hypothetical which I was using to respond to the initial topic and is not representative of the current world. In a world where eroge means more than Japanese eroge there would be companies in every country that would be fighting for a share of the markets. Now japanese companies could sit around and do nothing and cater only to their own domestic market but I guarantee you there will be some who want to get a leg up by getting a piece of other markets in a more prosperous overseas environment.


    7. "Anime is widely acceptable. It has....." This may be the case with anime but when you mention eroge or visual novels people do not think the same way. I explained some of this in my first post but if anyone wishes me to elaborate further please let me know, I like to talk as you can tell. The answer to the second of this is that it is because anime, eroge, etc. are still seen primarily as a Japanese thing and such societal stigmas are going to lead to reductions in quality inevitably. Again, in the hypothetical i was describing, I was mentioning the idea of broadening the concept of what it takes for something to be classified as eroge. In a world where the market for eroge is growing more and more businesses will be appearing with bigger budgets, better quality workers, and greater competition. This will also inevitably lead to a rise in quality for eroge in general whether it is traditional Japanese, Australian, Morrocan, Mexican, etc. I could argue the specifics of this all day long so send me a message if you want and we can work something out.


    8. "I think if they want to go global....." This relates to what I said back in number 5.


    9. "Also, Rapelay" Yes the rapelay incident was an unfortunate black mark but that is a topic for another time as I don't have the strength for it now.


    Finally we arrive at the end. Hope this clarified things and feel free to keep um coming if you want, eroge is something I really enjoy discussing and I have no qualms with keeping this thread going. For now I am going to bed so see you all in the am.

  13. If it were my friends they wouldn't care because they accept me in all my weirdness. My dad probably wouldn't say anything but we would have some really awkward phone conversations for the next few.....lets see......years! My mom on the other hand already knows about my obsession and while she doesn't understand it, she also knows that it is something I feel strongly about and would not get mad or upset. If it were a complete stranger on the other hand it would not be a big problem unless it was some err... less than upstanding material of course. I purposely have a screen saver set up on my computer for this purpose actually that shows only PG-13 and under pics for that very reason to be honest. I have found more than one eroge fan at my college already by using it as a conversation starter.

  14. I don't consider myself overly serious about things, although I have been told I talk and act extremely mature for my age and not in a good way. Although some of the bullying got to me a bit when I was younger, I've reached a point where I figure its much easier just being me than trying to be someone everyone else wants me to be. So I'm just gonna keep playing eroge and spouting off sentences like I'm an old man until I really am one lol.

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