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Everything posted by HAREMKINGJAKE

  1. so you mean if i don't get the recovery program then when i shut it off it won't have the games i downloaded?
  2. i hear u can hack it to download vns from the computer to it but idk what software or right way. i dont want all thos homebrew apps nd i don't wanna ruin my psp forever either. Been doing research and found a few ways but they dont give me exactly what i need. i still wanna use the psp for music nd bvideos as well as playing regular games. any help would be great
  3. still it may be worth it to play vns on the psp.
  4. gez just asked question. didnt mean to start a fight
  5. yea well that text issue doesnt go away when i max the message speed. what now?
  6. once got a fbi warning on my computer. saying i need to pay $$ 2 days or ill go to jail. thought it was cause of my pirated stuff but turns out it was just a virus. lol i always get them nd my computer always has issues.
  7. had to make 2 pics per page. got 20 more on a flash drive

    Material Brave

    why............*twitches* stilll..................not.................translated................??? *twitches more*
  9. use a extra wireless mouse like i do
  10. wow not many of them. but i mean could i download a rpg like brave soul or tear to tiara or a game like harem paarty?
  11. i understand u cant buy english trans vns for the psp but i found a way u can download em to the psp. im jw if anyone has done it before and can give me tips or reccomendations to vns i could play
  12. https://erogegames.com/social/general-discussions-debates/982-marvelous-h-gallery/
  13. @_@...............*smokes starts coming out of my head*
  14. i saw a article about a 92 year old man who fought in ww2 nd he sends pirated movies and g]ames to solders in iraq. he got immunity froim the law cause he doesnt ask for money and its for the solders. wat if they asked for japanese ero games? lol this site to the rescue
  15. the copyright laws are so peoiple don't download anime, burn to a blank dvd then sell them(i do that anyway XD) or try to pass a ero game or anime as thier own. by law this site is illegal but also isn't. its like counting cards. its not illegal but if security finds out about it they will throw u out.
  16. i cant seem to find it around. anyone have link to one?
  17. i already have a walkthrough but its not helping me get carrolls ending. i mean the "find a crystel" mission. and some of the others she gives mixed signals(in the walkthrough i have) so idk if she happy and ill get points or not.
  18. well every other 80+ vns i have from this site work fine. im afriad to change it
  19. yea it is. i open the application and a small window blue nscreen shows up with a error message
  20. i downloaded it all and the patch and did what it sasid and i get a error message still.
  21. well that sux it looks like a good game
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