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About desi

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  • Birthday October 14

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  1. The game has some flaws but that's totally normal because the developer tried to insert a lot of new features and I'm very thankful for this descision because it their next game they can use the best of the new and the old features to form an even greater game. Oh and people always forget to name the awesome new features such as the line of sight which means that you can't see units if they are hiding behind a hill or buldings, the soldiers of your army will say stuff while fighting, the battle animations are superb, there are an insane amount of different unit models, a lot of stuff is easier to do and blablabla.


    To sum it up, the game has some bugs but that's nothing you can't change with patches etc. I'm personally NOT disappointed by Rome 2 but that's most likely because I'm seeing it as a sequel to Rome and not Shough 2 (the previous game). In my eyes the line if site feature is especially awesome because it will totally change the battles. I like Rome 2.

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