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About desi

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  • Birthday October 14

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  1. Well either way there will be no second season, which's a shame because I'm definitely interested in how the story will end but I'm not going to read the manga. I guess I'll search for a summary of the manga or something. Next Anime I plan to watch is Nisekoi. I was told it's funny as fuck... but then I discovered its harem tag so I'm not sure if I'll enjoy it due to my hate towards harem stuff.


    Edit: So after checking out a manga summary it seems that they mainly focused on the other characters and the relationship of the main couple makes no progress whatsoever. At the ending though suddenly it does move on all of a sudden. Unfortunately I'm only interested in the main couple so the manga can piss off.

    Edit2: Finished Nisekoi. Story was shit but you gotta love dat humor: weak 8/10

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