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About desi

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  • Birthday October 14

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  1. Actually there are a lot of anime, or stories in general, where a wimpy protagonist is essential. Like f/sn without Shirou wouldn't be amazing at all. And while an essential wimp will improve the story it still doesn't mean that I've to like him. Same goes for the protagonist of Katanagatari. He works well for the story but this doesn't make him more likeable... at least for me. I might change my mind though if he's able to bring back the original haircut of that hottie.


    It's funny that you mentioned Evangelion because I planned to watch that anime multiple times. Unfortunately it never happened because dear god I fucking hate mecha. I'll watch it eventually though because like you said it seems to be more about the characters... then again, what am I lying for, you know me, it's not going to happen.

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