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About desi

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  • Birthday October 14

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  1. I finished Katanagatari a few moments ago and overall it was a really good anime: 8/10


    It got a little bit boring around the middle though especially because some fights were resolved in a very easy way. Like they built up a lot of tension beforehand but the actual fight was over in a matter of seconds. The ending was okay-ish but holy macaroni dat sudden personality change of the protagonist, I fucking loved it. The scene were he walked from room to room and defeated all the swords felt a little bit streched but you gotta love Shichika's true form. Also, they showed that hottie at the end with long hair... didn't make me feel better about that whole haircut change but at least they did something haha.


    Edit: Also, Kimi ni Todoke 2nd Season... dat smile: http://i1214.photobucket.com/albums/cc486/OneManArmy369/dat%20smile_zpsziaze3qc.jpg

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