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Status Updates posted by desi

  1. Not sure if I heard off this one, looks pretty decent. Nothing much going on in my world, got a fairly big exam tomorrow, so hopefully I can get that out of the way and start doing things.

  2. Sounds like you got some connections O: Also, I started a new job this past monday. There goes a lot of my free time.

  3. what's happening, baby

  4. Working for the state/federal government. Student loan stuff. Just did a week of training. Honestly have no clue what is going on, but i'm assuming that is because i'm new.

  5. "not sure what you're talking about" just saying what's up O: I got laid off :*(

  6. the LN ended in a "better" way, they just didn't have the guts to animate it, I guess. I gave the first season a 8 and recently changed the second season from a 7 to a 6 and gave the ending specials a 5 lol.. so it went from good to okay.

  7. Hi OMA! Long time no talk. We are doing well. How are you doing?? Do you still use MAL or do you use discord at all?

  8. does it have romance and tits? If not, i'm not interested.

  9. Your pm box is full :o

  10. Thanks. I have to get this apartment stuff figured out first. I'll probably move back with my parents for the time being.. as much as I don't want to, it's better than spending money with no income. This lease stuff is a huge pain though. Even if I move out, i'll have to pay 60 days rent even if no one is living inside here. I didn't take a vacation though, so I just got paid today, + I will get paid for 3 days this week, plus 2 weeks of severance pay + 2 weeks vacation that I didn't use. Add in that 60 days of rent though, and the amount goes down half.

  11. How.... how could you.... you can save those precious messages by downloading all messages as a .txt file in your inbox.



  12. So the show is still going on but the movie's romance is pretty conclusive? I wonder how that works out. Speaking of nostalgia and watching shows as a kid, I was hyped for a Digimon show since I loved the show as a kid. Obviously sometimes we have the nostalgia glasses on and watching things as a kid was much more entertaining since we didn't focus as much on criticism like you sort of said.. but now I guess they will have it out as separate movies and it will take forever for them to come out.

  13. Looks like you guys have it under control. Don't really have anything new to add from what you guys already said.

  14. oh well, looks like I must have been mistaken.. from what I see the anime followed the LN ending pretty much exact. That's weird, I thought it didn't.

  15. Just wait until someone gets depressed because they aren't friends with the most popular person. And damn, this site is acting so tsundere right now.

  16. Yes, does it have OMA's tits? Also, can I still get the limited edition if I order it today? Was waiting for my amazon gift card. Might purchase this now if I can still get the limited edition.

  17. I forgot, are you a manager over there at that store? That story does sound pretty interesting lol. Regarding Guilty Crown, I always hear from people that the beginning is good but later on they just pull things out of their ass and that's when people lose interest.. dunno though, it always looked good visually but I probably will never watch it.

  18. Noooo, I'm weak against Chihiro. Or wait, is that supposed to be you? Mind blown.

  19. Ghost in the Shell looks pretty interesting, I'll have to find out where to start with that since it has a lot of movies and the show itself. I'm currently watching Psycho Pass and it's pretty good so far.

  20. Sorry, never got back to you! Things have been busy. I am married and have a daughter now so.. really busy haha. I want to start getting a little bit more active again :) Watching anime but probably won't start reading VNs again for a little while :)

  21. I passed one section \o/ Only three left! (fuck my life) Yeah, I have another one in 2 days. My third one will be in October. So not quite done yet, but i'm trying to get at least 2 or 3 done before I can start being NEET for a while. I'm going to start applying for jobs again after I take my second exam. I can now put that I passed this shit on my resume and hopefully I can get hooked up with a job. We'll see.

  22. desi

    Long time no talk! Hope you are doing well.

  23. Long time no talk, hope everything is going well.

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