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Posts posted by desi

  1. I'm not disappointed that he doesn't want to translate it. I've already said that to even request such title is a pointless action. I'm disappointed because he apparently is among the people who reinforce and believe the stigma that euphoria is nothing more than a torture porn nukige and disregard whatever plot that the story may contains. It is ignorance and he lost a little bit of respect points from me, sadly.


    And if you asked moogy this same question what would he say?

  2. Of course people would translate for money. If someone offered to pay you for coming to this site, you would in a heartbeat. If you like a fantranslator try donating to them or something. They dont necessarily expect any money though and thats why people like them.


    And some straight out reject money. Amaterasu has a no donation policy. This is for legal reasons and for moral reasons.

  3. Not really VN I think, but Agarest: Generations of War released today for PC. The game has arround 5 generations of heroes with 3 waifus to choose in each generation to pass the genes.


    Out in about 2 hours as of this post. And yeah, it's not really a VN.. if someone considers it one, it's under a very liberal definition.

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