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Posts posted by desi

  1. For Killer Queen, I'm just gonna go ahead and guess that missing out on the H-scenes won't really matter. I wouldn't know for sure since I haven't read it, but that's what I'm guessing.


    Remember, they're only removing the H-scenes themselves. It won't be like Moenovel's release of Konosora, in which they went out of their way to remove a whole bunch of other things as well... like ecchi comedy bits and references (?), and censoring of ecchi CGs (tits, basically... whoopiedo).


    And perhaps most importantly, Killer Queen looks like a thriller/mystery story VN. So it's quite possible that those h-scenes are just... well... fan-service, whatever. Useless. Stuff that I personally would just CTRL skip anyway.


    IF they turn out to be reeeally important somehow (which I doubt), then we'll still get references to them according to Lemnisca, since they're not removing those.



    I'm not worried at all... You wouldn't read a VN like this for H-scenes in the first place, and references are enough anyway.


    Pretty much this. There's no reason to worry. If you want to see the h-scenes, then bring up the 18+ untranslated version. In the translated version, all references will be kept and they felt it would be better this way. It would be nothing like moenovel and rusanon, who doesn't want to do shit anyways since he hates ED for dumb reasons.

  2. Do I need to watch the other two movies from that to make sense or can I just watch it since I've already seen the series?


    You can just watch it, but the movies have improved animations and awesome transformation scenes. I would watch it as a recap when the third movie comes out.

  3. Update! :3


    I have my handful of Gerard voodoo dolls too! 10 for 5 bucks, a real bargain!


    Ok now, the update XD

    Choco and I have seen first hand how difficult it is to find a good/free artist.

    Some charge for their work, others don't have the style we're looking for and a lot more are already

    taken or crazy busy. It's a nightmare...

    Since 3DCG sprites are not MOE inspiring or eye catching, we're changing them

    permanently with regular artwork... in this case MY artwork. (We have no options so..)


    I've already drawn a single sprite (Rin in her school uniform) and unless the situation

    changes miraculously, I'll draw the rest.. ugh. xD

    It might not be the best artwork but it's far better than using 3DCG renders.


    Have a look:




    I'll keep you guys updated


    Haven't checked out this thread in a while, but this looks pretty good. Keep it up.

  4. Oh snap, that looks fantastic. I know trailers are deceiving, but the animation looks even sexier than Fate/Zero.

    How soon do you all suppose is "soon"? I didn't expect this show for another year at least.


    I hope Yuki Kajiura will do the music again. Not entirely sure about the oontz in the second half of the video.


    Well, most of the footage is from the vita version of F/SN, but ufotable animated that part anyways. The new shots are towards the end. Not sure about when it will air... i'm just guessing here, but maybe Fall 2014.

  5. No idea what to make of that PV, it feels fan-made. Almost everything seems to be from the PSP game with some shots from Fate/Zero. Then at the end there are three still shots of ufotable fsn *shrug*.


    The big question is: Will they be faithful to whatever route they choose to go with? I remember in Fate/Zero there were certain parts which relates to every route and that was kind of annoying.


    Anyway, will look into this again in 2-3 years (if still interested) as that's how long it will probably take for the whole series to be finished. Good quality takes time.


    It's because most of it is from the vita version. The only new shots are indeed towards the end, probably because this is more of a teaser than a trailer.


    Also, I'm sure you meant Fate/Stay Night? Since Fate/Zero does not have routes. Studio Deen is known to fuck up just about every anime based on a VN, so I trust ufotable a lot more. They also usually don't tease PVs for anime that will be done in 3 years. Just a guess, but I'm assuming it'll start airing in Fall.

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