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Status Updates posted by desi

  1. long time, friend.

  2. desi

  3. I was potentially going to watch that one while it was an ongoing series, but decided to watch some other shows. Although I know I should judge things myself, but I heard some meh things, so I never got the motivation to start it.

  4. yeah, I hear good things about Rumbling Hearts. Supposedly it has a good chance of getting translated if the kickstarter for Muv-Luv is successful. I'm sure you remember some of the characters from Muv luv Alternative.

  5. http://i.imgur.com/hDQpd8F.png


    Just cause.

  6. I finished Patema Inverted last night (anime movie) and it was nice. Good blend of sci-fi type elements and some romance. My main complaint is the villain in the movie is generic as fuck with really no personality. But the main heroine is pretty kawaii. Around a 7-8 rating. Wish MAL allowed .5 ratings or customized, probably be a solid 7.5, have it as a 8 right now.

  7. They were mostly there because the VN was pretty popular and I guess most people who read that read MLA (in Japan anyways). Also, yeah, it's some what of a cursed project. https://alternativeprojects.wordpress.com/2015/08/18/translation-updates-august-2015/#more-318 looks like its being worked on again, but I still feel that it will somehow be included in the kickstarter in a few weeks.. maybe.

  8. never7 progress?

  9. I-Its not like i'm posting it because i like it or anything, okay?

  10. Yes, Wolf Children. For some reason, I think you will like that one a lot.

  11. Nice at getting Chaos;Head to work out. Also, Rollercoaster Tycoon is damn awesome. I remember having fun times playing that game years ago. As for me, taking a break from VNs for a few months.. will probably play Grisaia a few weeks after it comes out. Have 4 exams to study for and need to pass within the next few months, so I'm mostly just studying, catching up on some anime, and lurking and wasting time on here.

  12. If my heart had wings? Is it one I read? lol

  13. No idea. Might as well tell me if it isn't a spoiler.

  14. You missed me say it live :*( :*( :*(

  15. I'm not going to lie when I say that when I saw the tag for Policewoman heroine the first time, I thought it was pretty hot and badass. Let me know how it is once you finish it.

  16. I did hear some vague things about that anime. Pretty much the same as you.. first season is really good, second season not as good. Oh well, judge for yourself probably.

  17. As I suspected.

  18. desi

    Best gift evar.

  19. Guess it's one I'll probably check out after playing something epic.

  20. Work and Seacats

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