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Everything posted by Pasa

  1. Mangagamer Otakon announcements: http://i.imgur.com/mx2eCdt.png
  2. Pasa

    Happy birthday <3<3<3

  3. ‡†~~VNs Translation Status~~†‡ The Updates will be in red so check them every sunday. http://i.imgur.com/prqVFC9.jpg Amagami - 1st day patch Released for PS2/PSP, "1784/2308 original edition scenario scripts translated (77.3%)" Anniversary no Kuni no Alice (otome) - 69% translated, 65% edited AstralAir - 100% translated, release a long ways off Ayakashi Gohan (otome) - 93% Complete Black Wolves Saga (otome) - 100% translated, 59/65 (90.76%) scripts tlc, on semi-hiatus Clover Day - Common + 3 routes done, other routes + 348/711 KB and 74/722 KB translated Co
  4. Happy birthday <3<3<3 also you really need to come by the SB sometimes.

  5. Oliavito the person who posted before you linked it -_-
  6. The fan translators are the ones working on the official version. Its not finished, see this page for more information The minori fund-raising project - Help visual novel developer, minori, in completing the Supipara Series!
  7. It is supposed to get a official release.
  8. ‡†~~VNs Translation Status~~†‡ The Updates will be in red so check them every sunday. http://i.imgur.com/bCDmnz3.png Amagami - 1st day patch Released for PS2/PSP, "1784/2308 original edition scenario scripts translated (77.3%)" Anniversary no Kuni no Alice (otome) - 61% translated, 50% edited AstralAir - 100% translated, release a long ways off Ayakashi Gohan (otome) - 93% Complete Black Wolves Saga (otome) - 100% translated, 59/65 (90.76%) scripts tlc, on semi-hiatus Clover Day - Common + 3 routes done, other routes + 348/711 KB and 74/722 KB translated Co
  9. ‡†~~VNs Translation Status~~†‡ The Updates will be in red so check them every sunday. http://i.imgur.com/fQtstMs.png Amagami - 1st day patch Released for PS2/PSP, "1784/2308 original edition scenario scripts translated (77.3%)" Amairo IsleNauts - prologue and common route fully translated, Shirley route 20% TL, Masaki 40% TL, Konoka 40% TL, bonus 20% TL, prologue patch out Anniversary no Kuni no Alice (otome) - 59% translated, 42% edited AstralAir - 100% translated, release a long ways off Ayakashi Gohan (otome) - 93% Complete Black Wolves Saga (otome) - 100
  10. They have been bought out by Sekai so the fan translation will be used for the official version. With that said not sure when the official Version will be out.
  11. ‡†~~VNs Translation Status~~†‡ The Updates will be in red so check them every sunday. http://i.imgur.com/iwcL14r.png Amagami - 1st day patch Released for PS2/PSP, "1784/2308 original edition scenario scripts translated (77.3%)" Amairo IsleNauts - prologue and common route fully translated, Shirley route 20% TL, Masaki 40% TL, Konoka 40% TL, bonus 20% TL, prologue patch out Anniversary no Kuni no Alice (otome) - 59% translated, 42% edited AstralAir - 100% translated, release a long ways off Ayakashi Gohan (otome) - 93% Complete Black Wolves Saga (otome) - 100
  12. Windows 10 sucks and especially for VNs, if you know how try using Virtual Machine to emulate Windows 7.
  13. That problem seems to come from not having your system local set to Japanese, so make sure you are using that AppLocale thing correctly.
  14. https://theoxfordcommaissuperiorsubs.com/2016/05/18/dracu-riot-status-update/
  15. Then you should support their Sharin no Kuni Kickstarter if you haven't already https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/tokyootakumode/sharin-no-kuni-a-visual-novel-localization-project
  16. ‡†~~VNs Translation Status~~†‡ The Updates will be in red so check them every sunday. http://i.imgur.com/gvRKbVl.png Amagami - 1st day patch Released for PS2/PSP, "1784/2308 original edition scenario scripts translated (77.3%)" Amairo IsleNauts - prologue and common route fully translated, Shirley route 20% TL, Masaki 40% TL, Konoka 40% TL, bonus 20% TL, prologue patch out Anniversary no Kuni no Alice (otome) - 59% translated, 42% edited AstralAir - 100% translated, release a long ways off Ayakashi Gohan (otome) - 93% Complete Black Wolves Saga (otome) - 100
  17. No they use the original music and in the new Higurashi translation they also use the original music. But I recommend to wait before reading it for someone to make a voice and art patch since the voices are
  18. If Akebeisoft was against +18 releases in the west they wouldn't let Frontwing do a 18 + version of Sharin no Kuni either. As for Himawari MG is probably just waiting for a good time to release it since they have a big backlog and it wouldn't do them any good to compete against their own titles. EDIT: http://i.imgur.com/W610ujm.png
  19. I thought that it was pretty obvious that that Sekai not only dislikes +18 content but is also a bad company. Dovac never bother promoting Denpasoft and apparently sees no reason to. Also everything they done so far concerning Maitetsu indicates that it is going to be all age only. They also heavily censored all age Grisaia (jokes and other stuff) while purposely delaying 18 + version so that they can claim that 18 + doesn't sell when people refuse to buy the same game two times, and then blame Frontwing for the delay. They did this with the first Grisaia and then repeated with the second and
  20. VNDB links for Aksys: - Bad Apple Wars - Period Cube - Collar x Malice - Code: Realize fandisc
  21. ‡†~~VNs Translation Status~~†‡ The Updates will be in red so check them every sunday. http://i.imgur.com/BmMikB8.png Amagami - 1st day patch Released for PS2/PSP, "1784/2308 original edition scenario scripts translated (77.3%)" Amairo IsleNauts - prologue and common route fully translated, Shirley route 20% TL, Masaki 40% TL, Konoka 40% TL, bonus 20% TL, prologue patch out Anniversary no Kuni no Alice (otome) - 59% translated, 42% edited AstralAir - 100% translated, release a long ways off Ayakashi Gohan (otome) - 93% Complete Black Wolves Saga (otome) - 100
  22. JAST announcements: - Katahane - An' call Belle https://vndb.org/v22 - Eiyuu*Senki PC version https://vndb.org/v6458 - Princess X https://vndb.org/v7689 Next thread will be posted tomorrow after Sekai announcements.
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